Review of geometric uncertainty quantification in gas turbines
J Wang, X Zheng - Journal of Engineering for Gas …, 2020 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Due to the manufacturing error and in-service degradation of gas turbines, there is always a
deviation between the actual geometry and the design geometry. This geometric deviation …
deviation between the actual geometry and the design geometry. This geometric deviation …
Least squares shadowing sensitivity analysis of chaotic limit cycle oscillations
The adjoint method, among other sensitivity analysis methods, can fail in chaotic dynamical
systems. The result from these methods can be too large, often by orders of magnitude …
systems. The result from these methods can be too large, often by orders of magnitude …
Discrete adjoint-based design for unsteady turbulent flows on dynamic overset unstructured grids
EJ Nielsen, B Diskin - AIAA journal, 2013 - arc.aiaa.org
A discrete adjoint-based design methodology for unsteady turbulent flows on three-
dimensional dynamic overset unstructured grids is formulated, implemented, and verified …
dimensional dynamic overset unstructured grids is formulated, implemented, and verified …
Hybrid reduced order modeling applied to nonlinear models
Reduced order modeling plays an indispensible role for most real‐world complex models.
The objective of this manuscript is to hybridize local and global sensitivity analysis methods …
The objective of this manuscript is to hybridize local and global sensitivity analysis methods …
The drag-adjoint field of a circular cylinder wake at Reynolds numbers 20, 100 and 500
Q Wang, JH Gao - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2013 - cambridge.org
This paper analyses the adjoint solution of the Navier–Stokes equation. We focus on flow
across a circular cylinder at three Reynolds numbers,, a turbulent three-dimensional …
across a circular cylinder at three Reynolds numbers,, a turbulent three-dimensional …
Multiple shooting shadowing for sensitivity analysis of chaotic dynamical systems
Sensitivity analysis methods are important tools for research and design with simulations.
Many important simulations exhibit chaotic dynamics, including scale-resolving turbulent …
Many important simulations exhibit chaotic dynamics, including scale-resolving turbulent …
Least-squares shadowing sensitivity analysis of chaotic flow around a two-dimensional airfoil
Gradient-based sensitivity analysis has proven to be an enabling technology for many
applications, including design of aerospace vehicles. However, conventional sensitivity …
applications, including design of aerospace vehicles. However, conventional sensitivity …
Risk assessment of scramjet unstart using adjoint-based sampling methods
NASA'S X-43 hypersonic vehicle [1] holds the flight speed record among airbreathing
propulsion systems, having reached a self-sustained speed of Mach 10 for approximately 10 …
propulsion systems, having reached a self-sustained speed of Mach 10 for approximately 10 …
[KNJIGA][B] Multi-objective optimization using hyper-dual numbers
JA Fike - 2013 - search.proquest.com
High-fidelity analysis tools can provide accurate predictions of the performance of a design.
However, these tools often have a higher computational cost when compared to lower …
However, these tools often have a higher computational cost when compared to lower …
Algorithmic Differentiation for adjoint sensitivity calculation in plasma edge codes
In the framework of fusion energy research, divertor design and model calibration based on
plasma edge codes currently rely either on manual iterative tuning of parameters, or …
plasma edge codes currently rely either on manual iterative tuning of parameters, or …