Hadronic molecules

FK Guo, C Hanhart, UG Meißner, Q Wang, Q Zhao… - Reviews of Modern …, 2018 - APS
A large number of experimental discoveries especially in the heavy quarkonium sector that
did not meet the expectations of the until then very successful quark model led to a …

Microscopic clustering in light nuclei

M Freer, H Horiuchi, Y Kanada-En'yo, D Lee… - Reviews of Modern …, 2018 - APS
This review examines the tendency of light nuclei to exhibit clustering, where correlations
between nucleons result in the formation of precipitates, typically α particles. The …

Two-particle multichannel systems in a finite volume with arbitrary spin

RA Briceno - Physical Review D, 2014 - APS
The quantization condition for two-particle systems with an arbitrary number of two-body
open coupled channels, spin, momentum, and masses in a finite volume with either periodic …

Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD

RA Briceno, JJ Dudek, RD Young - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018 - APS
The vast majority of hadrons observed in nature are not stable under the strong interaction;
rather they are resonances whose existence is deduced from enhancements in the energy …

Light nuclei and hypernuclei from quantum chromodynamics<? format?> in the limit of SU (3) flavor symmetry

SR Beane, E Chang, SD Cohen, W Detmold… - Physical Review D …, 2013 - APS
The binding energies of a range of nuclei and hypernuclei with atomic number A≤ 4 and
strangeness| s|≤ 2, including the deuteron, dineutron, H-dibaryon, He 3, He Λ 3, He 4, He Λ …

Moving multichannel systems in a finite volume with application to proton-proton fusion

RA Briceno, Z Davoudi - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2013 - APS
The spectrum of a system with multiple channels composed of two hadrons with nonzero
total momentum is determined in a finite cubic volume with periodic boundary conditions …

Three particles in a finite volume

K Polejaeva, A Rusetsky - The European Physical Journal A, 2012 - Springer
Within the non-relativistic potential scattering theory, we derive a generalized version of the
Lüscher formula, which includes three-particle inelastic channels. Faddeev equations in a …

Multichannel transition amplitudes in a finite volume

RA Briceño, MT Hansen, A Walker-Loud - Physical Review D, 2015 - APS
We perform a model-independent, nonperturbative investigation of two-point and three-point
finite-volume correlation functions in the energy regime where two-particle states can go on …

Three-particle scattering amplitudes from a finite volume formalism

RA Briceno, Z Davoudi - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2013 - APS
We present a quantization condition for the spectrum of a system composed of three
identical bosons in a finite volume with periodic boundary conditions. This condition gives a …

Nuclear matrix elements from lattice QCD for electroweak and beyond-Standard-Model processes

Z Davoudi, W Detmold, P Shanahan, K Orginos… - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Over the last decade, numerical solutions of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) using the
technique of lattice QCD have developed to a point where they are beginning to connect …