Silicon nanostructures for photonics and photovoltaics
Silicon has long been established as the material of choice for the microelectronics industry.
This is not yet true in photonics, where the limited degrees of freedom in material design …
This is not yet true in photonics, where the limited degrees of freedom in material design …
Silicon quantum dots: surface matters
Silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) hold great promise for many future technologies. Silicon is
already at the core of photovoltaics and microelectronics, and SiQDs are capable of efficient …
already at the core of photovoltaics and microelectronics, and SiQDs are capable of efficient …
Origin and evolution of photoluminescence from Si nanocrystals embedded in a matrix
A detailed analysis of the photoluminescence (PL) from Si nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in
a silicon-rich SiO 2 matrix is reported. The PL spectra consist of three Gaussian bands …
a silicon-rich SiO 2 matrix is reported. The PL spectra consist of three Gaussian bands …
Silicon filaments in silicon oxide for next‐generation photovoltaics
P Cuony, DTL Alexander, I Perez‐Wurfl… - Advanced …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Considering that silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust, and that
86 PW of solar radiation reach the earth's surface [1]—5,700 times more than the worldwide …
86 PW of solar radiation reach the earth's surface [1]—5,700 times more than the worldwide …
Efficient luminescence and energy transfer in erbium silicate thin films
Currently, electrical interconnections based on metal lines represent the most important
limitation on the performances of silicon-based microelectronic devices. The parasitic …
limitation on the performances of silicon-based microelectronic devices. The parasitic …
Silicon compound nanomaterials: Exploring emission mechanisms and photobiological applications
After the first visible photoluminescence (PL) from porous silicon (pSi), continuous efforts are
made to fabricate Si‐based compound nanomaterials embedded in matrices such as oxide …
made to fabricate Si‐based compound nanomaterials embedded in matrices such as oxide …
Effects of Si-rich oxide layer stoichiometry on the structural and optical properties of SiQD/SiO2 multilayer films
The effects of the stoichiometry of the Si-rich oxide (SRO) layer, O/Si ratio, on the structural
and optical properties of SRO/SiO 2 multilayer films were investigated in this work. SRO/SiO …
and optical properties of SRO/SiO 2 multilayer films were investigated in this work. SRO/SiO …
Three-dimensional imaging of nonspherical silicon nanoparticles embedded in silicon oxide by plasmon tomography
Silicon nanoparticles embedded in silica show promising optoelectronic properties, due to
quantum confinement and/or radiative interface states that should correlate with the …
quantum confinement and/or radiative interface states that should correlate with the …
Lithiation Behavior of Silicon-Rich Oxide (SiO1/3): A First-Principles Study
Silicon suboxides (SiO x, x< 2) have been recognized as a promising anode material for
high-performance Li-ion batteries (LIBs), especially when the O content is relatively low. To …
high-performance Li-ion batteries (LIBs), especially when the O content is relatively low. To …
X-ray-diffraction study of crystalline Si nanocluster formation in annealed silicon-rich silicon oxides
The formation and subsequent growth of crystalline silicon nanoclusters (Si-ncs) in
annealed silicon-rich silicon oxides (SRSOs) were studied by glancing angle x-ray …
annealed silicon-rich silicon oxides (SRSOs) were studied by glancing angle x-ray …