Active emigration from climate change-caused seawater intrusion into freshwater habitats
Ecological risk assessment associated with seawater intrusions has been supported on the
determination of lethal/sublethal effects following standard protocols that force exposure …
determination of lethal/sublethal effects following standard protocols that force exposure …
Spatial context strongly affects community composition of both passively and actively dispersing pool invertebrates in a highly heterogeneous landscape
The spatial distribution of suitable habitats and dispersal abilities of the constituent taxa
jointly affect the structure of metacommunities in standing freshwaters. Most studies …
jointly affect the structure of metacommunities in standing freshwaters. Most studies …
Habitat destruction in wetland affects Ostracoda (Crustacea) species occurrence patterns amid different aquatic habitats
O Külköylüoğlu, B Çelikbaş, A Ataman - Aquatic Ecology, 2022 - Springer
To outline influence of anthropogenic activities on natural aquatic habitats such as wetlands,
we sampled ostracods along with measuring several different aquatic variables at four …
we sampled ostracods along with measuring several different aquatic variables at four …
Species assemblages of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from west-site of Turkey: their indicator potential for lotic and lentic habitats
M Yavuzatmaca - Biologia, 2020 - Springer
To describe the indicator potential of non-marine ostracods for lotic (streams) and lentic
(lakes) habitats, 42 taxa (27 recent, 15 subfossil) were evaluated from 62 sampling sites in …
(lakes) habitats, 42 taxa (27 recent, 15 subfossil) were evaluated from 62 sampling sites in …
On the relationship of ostracod species (Crustacea) to shallow water ion and sediment phosphate concentration across different elevational range (Sinop, Turkey)
In order to investigate the relationship of freshwater ostracods with some of those physico-
chemicals and sediment phosphate concentrations, 97 shallow aquatic bodies were …
chemicals and sediment phosphate concentrations, 97 shallow aquatic bodies were …
Determining effective environmental factors and ecology of non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Giresun, Turkey
To determine influential environmental factors on ostracod species, 105 aquatic sampling
sites were sampled from the Giresun province. Sixteen species collected from 69 sites are …
sites were sampled from the Giresun province. Sixteen species collected from 69 sites are …
Ecological classification of the freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) based on physicochemical properties of waters and habitat preferences
The relationship between ecological characteristic of freshwater ostracods and their habitat
preferences has been a critical issue for understanding of both current and past aquatic …
preferences has been a critical issue for understanding of both current and past aquatic …
[PDF][PDF] An annotated checklist of the non-marine ostracods (Crustacea) of Algeria with some ecological notes
A total of 47 non-marine ostracods are listed from Algeria including both, the species
reported in literature and those collected from 117 water bodies in humid, semi-arid and arid …
reported in literature and those collected from 117 water bodies in humid, semi-arid and arid …
[PDF][PDF] Comparative analyses of non-marine Ostracods (Crustacea) among water basins in Turkey
M Yavuzatmaca - ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE …, 2019 - actazool.nhmus.hu
Of species, cosmopolitans (eg, Candona neglecta, Ilyocypris bradyi, Psychrodromus
olivaceus) provide an important contribution to the differences in diversities among basins …
olivaceus) provide an important contribution to the differences in diversities among basins …
Determining diagnostic characteristics of the nonmarine Ostracoda (Crustacea) and their habitat selection with unique functional traits in the Kastamonu province …
Nonmarine ostracods are widely distributed in a variety of aquatic habitats, from mountain
lakes to underground waters, where each species tends to show species-specific habitat …
lakes to underground waters, where each species tends to show species-specific habitat …