Selection of the InSight landing site
The selection of the Discovery Program InSight landing site took over four years from initial
identification of possible areas that met engineering constraints, to downselection via …
identification of possible areas that met engineering constraints, to downselection via …
Selection of the Mars Science Laboratory landing site
M Golombek, J Grant, D Kipp, A Vasavada, R Kirk… - Space science …, 2012 - Springer
The selection of Gale crater as the Mars Science Laboratory landing site took over five
years, involved broad participation of the science community via five open workshops, and …
years, involved broad participation of the science community via five open workshops, and …
A method based on structure-from-motion photogrammetry to generate sub-millimetre-resolution digital elevation models for investigating rock breakdown features
We have generated sub-millimetre-resolution DEMs of weathered rock surfaces using SfM
photogrammetry techniques. We apply a close-range method based on structure-from …
photogrammetry techniques. We apply a close-range method based on structure-from …
Late-stage formation of Martian chloride salts through ponding and evaporation
BM Hynek, MK Osterloo, KS Kierein-Young - Geology, 2015 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Small deposits of chloride salts have been documented at hundreds of locations on Mars
through the use of multispectral orbital data. Given the small spatial extent of these deposits …
through the use of multispectral orbital data. Given the small spatial extent of these deposits …
Fluvial stratigraphy of valley fills at Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: Evidence for base-level fluctuations controlled by a downstream water body
Aeolis Dorsa, a large sedimentary basin on Mars, contains an array of fluvially dominated
sedimentary deposits. These deposits preserve a record of fluvial erosion and deposition …
sedimentary deposits. These deposits preserve a record of fluvial erosion and deposition …
Rigorous photogrammetric processing of HiRISE stereo imagery for Mars topographic map**
R Li, J Hwangbo, Y Chen, K Di - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
High-resolution (submeter) orbital imagers have opened up new possibilities for Mars
topographic map** with unprecedented precision. While the typical sensor model for …
topographic map** with unprecedented precision. While the typical sensor model for …
[CARTE][B] Contemporary planetary robotics: an approach toward autonomous systems
Y Gao - 2016 - books.google.com
For readers from both academia and industry wishing to pursue their studies and/or careers
in planetary robotics, this book represents a one-stop tour of the history, evolution, key …
in planetary robotics, this book represents a one-stop tour of the history, evolution, key …
Late Noachian to Hesperian climate change on Mars: Evidence of episodic warming from transient crater lakes near Ares Vallis
The Ares Vallis region is surrounded by highland terrain containing both degraded and
pristine large impact craters that suggest a change in climate during the Late Noachian …
pristine large impact craters that suggest a change in climate during the Late Noachian …
[HTML][HTML] Massive stereo-based DTM production for Mars on cloud computers
Abstract Digital Terrain Model (DTM) creation is essential to improving our understanding of
the formation processes of the Martian surface. Although there have been previous …
the formation processes of the Martian surface. Although there have been previous …