Selection of the InSight landing site

M Golombek, D Kipp, N Warner, IJ Daubar… - Space Science …, 2017 - Springer
The selection of the Discovery Program InSight landing site took over four years from initial
identification of possible areas that met engineering constraints, to downselection via …

Selection of the Mars Science Laboratory landing site

M Golombek, J Grant, D Kipp, A Vasavada, R Kirk… - Space science …, 2012 - Springer
The selection of Gale crater as the Mars Science Laboratory landing site took over five
years, involved broad participation of the science community via five open workshops, and …

A method based on structure-from-motion photogrammetry to generate sub-millimetre-resolution digital elevation models for investigating rock breakdown features

AK Verma, MC Bourke - Earth Surface Dynamics, 2019 -
We have generated sub-millimetre-resolution DEMs of weathered rock surfaces using SfM
photogrammetry techniques. We apply a close-range method based on structure-from …

Late-stage formation of Martian chloride salts through ponding and evaporation

BM Hynek, MK Osterloo, KS Kierein-Young - Geology, 2015 -
Small deposits of chloride salts have been documented at hundreds of locations on Mars
through the use of multispectral orbital data. Given the small spatial extent of these deposits …

Fluvial stratigraphy of valley fills at Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: Evidence for base-level fluctuations controlled by a downstream water body

BT Cardenas, D Mohrig, TA Goudge - GSA Bulletin, 2018 -
Aeolis Dorsa, a large sedimentary basin on Mars, contains an array of fluvially dominated
sedimentary deposits. These deposits preserve a record of fluvial erosion and deposition …

Rigorous photogrammetric processing of HiRISE stereo imagery for Mars topographic map**

R Li, J Hwangbo, Y Chen, K Di - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 -
High-resolution (submeter) orbital imagers have opened up new possibilities for Mars
topographic map** with unprecedented precision. While the typical sensor model for …

[CARTE][B] Contemporary planetary robotics: an approach toward autonomous systems

Y Gao - 2016 -
For readers from both academia and industry wishing to pursue their studies and/or careers
in planetary robotics, this book represents a one-stop tour of the history, evolution, key …

Late Noachian to Hesperian climate change on Mars: Evidence of episodic warming from transient crater lakes near Ares Vallis

N Warner, S Gupta, SY Lin, JR Kim… - Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The Ares Vallis region is surrounded by highland terrain containing both degraded and
pristine large impact craters that suggest a change in climate during the Late Noachian …

[HTML][HTML] Massive stereo-based DTM production for Mars on cloud computers

Y Tao, JP Muller, P Sidiropoulos, ST **ong… - Planetary and Space …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Digital Terrain Model (DTM) creation is essential to improving our understanding of
the formation processes of the Martian surface. Although there have been previous …