[HTML][HTML] Android mobile malware detection using machine learning: A systematic review
With the increasing use of mobile devices, malware attacks are rising, especially on Android
phones, which account for 72.2% of the total market share. Hackers try to attack …
phones, which account for 72.2% of the total market share. Hackers try to attack …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence algorithms for malware detection in android-operated mobile devices
With the rapid expansion of the use of smartphone devices, malicious attacks against
Android mobile devices have increased. The Android system adopted a wide range of …
Android mobile devices have increased. The Android system adopted a wide range of …
Android-based computer assisted instruction development as a learning resource for supporting self-regulated learning.
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is one form of advances in information technology and
computers that are proliferating today that can access anywhere and can be utilised as …
computers that are proliferating today that can access anywhere and can be utilised as …
[PDF][PDF] Aplikasi berbasis android untuk pembelajaran: Potensi dan metode pengembangan
MZ Zahid - PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, 2018 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Abstract Almost half of adults (43%) in Indonesia have smartphones. Smartphone market
share in Indonesia around 83.99% dominated by the Android operating system. Google …
share in Indonesia around 83.99% dominated by the Android operating system. Google …
[PDF][PDF] A web-based online platform of distribution, collection, and validation for assignments in Android programming learning assistance system
Currently, Android smartphones have dominated the distribution of mobile devices around
the world. Then, with high demands for Android programming jobs, large numbers of …
the world. Then, with high demands for Android programming jobs, large numbers of …
Spyware identification for android systems using fine trees
Android operating system (OS) has been recently featured as the most commonly used and
ingratiated OS for smartphone ecosystems. This is due to its high interoperability as an open …
ingratiated OS for smartphone ecosystems. This is due to its high interoperability as an open …
[PDF][PDF] Potensi aplikasi zoom cloud meetings dalam pembelajaran di era digital
AD Pratiwi¹, ESW Afandi¹ - 2019 - researchgate.net
Pada Era digital saat ini informasi dan teknologi berkembang sangat pesat. Teknologi pada
hakikatnya ialah proses mendapatkan nilai tambah dari produk yang dihasilkan sehingga …
hakikatnya ialah proses mendapatkan nilai tambah dari produk yang dihasilkan sehingga …
[HTML][HTML] Body size measurement using a smartphone
Measuring body sizes accurately and rapidly for optimal garment fit detection has been a
challenge for fashion retailers. Especially for apparel e-commerce, there is an increasing …
challenge for fashion retailers. Especially for apparel e-commerce, there is an increasing …
Digitalisasi Akses Sistem Layanan Terpadu Untuk Anak Stunting Di Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk Dan Keluarga Berencana Di Kota Medan Berbasis Mobile
HADS Silalahi, MI Hutapea… - TAMIKA: Jurnal Tugas …, 2023 - ejurnal.methodist.ac.id
Abstract The Digital Access of stunting services access app is one designed to help build a
stunting service center in the resident and family planning terrain service. In addition, to …
stunting service center in the resident and family planning terrain service. In addition, to …
Android the mobile operating system and architecture
M Jaiswal - … ," ANDROID THE MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM AND …, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
The Android operating unit is a mobile phone operating body built through Google primarily
for touchscreen tools, smartphones, and tablet computers. It will undoubtedly begin with …
for touchscreen tools, smartphones, and tablet computers. It will undoubtedly begin with …