[HTML][HTML] Android mobile malware detection using machine learning: A systematic review

J Senanayake, H Kalutarage, MO Al-Kadri - Electronics, 2021 - mdpi.com
With the increasing use of mobile devices, malware attacks are rising, especially on Android
phones, which account for 72.2% of the total market share. Hackers try to attack …

[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence algorithms for malware detection in android-operated mobile devices

H Alkahtani, THH Aldhyani - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
With the rapid expansion of the use of smartphone devices, malicious attacks against
Android mobile devices have increased. The Android system adopted a wide range of …

Android-based computer assisted instruction development as a learning resource for supporting self-regulated learning.

P Hendikawati, MZ Zahid, R Arifudin - International Journal of Instruction, 2019 - ERIC
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is one form of advances in information technology and
computers that are proliferating today that can access anywhere and can be utilised as …

[PDF][PDF] Aplikasi berbasis android untuk pembelajaran: Potensi dan metode pengembangan

MZ Zahid - PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, 2018 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Abstract Almost half of adults (43%) in Indonesia have smartphones. Smartphone market
share in Indonesia around 83.99% dominated by the Android operating system. Google …

[PDF][PDF] A web-based online platform of distribution, collection, and validation for assignments in Android programming learning assistance system

YW Syaifudin, N Funabiki, M Mentari, HE Dien… - Engineering …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Currently, Android smartphones have dominated the distribution of mobile devices around
the world. Then, with high demands for Android programming jobs, large numbers of …

Spyware identification for android systems using fine trees

M Naser, Q Abu Al-Haija - Information, 2023 - mdpi.com
Android operating system (OS) has been recently featured as the most commonly used and
ingratiated OS for smartphone ecosystems. This is due to its high interoperability as an open …

[PDF][PDF] Potensi aplikasi zoom cloud meetings dalam pembelajaran di era digital

AD Pratiwi¹, ESW Afandi¹ - 2019 - researchgate.net
Pada Era digital saat ini informasi dan teknologi berkembang sangat pesat. Teknologi pada
hakikatnya ialah proses mendapatkan nilai tambah dari produk yang dihasilkan sehingga …

[HTML][HTML] Body size measurement using a smartphone

KH Foysal, HJ Chang, F Bruess, JW Chong - Electronics, 2021 - mdpi.com
Measuring body sizes accurately and rapidly for optimal garment fit detection has been a
challenge for fashion retailers. Especially for apparel e-commerce, there is an increasing …

Digitalisasi Akses Sistem Layanan Terpadu Untuk Anak Stunting Di Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk Dan Keluarga Berencana Di Kota Medan Berbasis Mobile

HADS Silalahi, MI Hutapea… - TAMIKA: Jurnal Tugas …, 2023 - ejurnal.methodist.ac.id
Abstract The Digital Access of stunting services access app is one designed to help build a
stunting service center in the resident and family planning terrain service. In addition, to …

Android the mobile operating system and architecture

M Jaiswal - … ," ANDROID THE MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM AND …, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
The Android operating unit is a mobile phone operating body built through Google primarily
for touchscreen tools, smartphones, and tablet computers. It will undoubtedly begin with …