Fundamental designs of gasification plants for combined heat and power

E Monteiro, A Ramos, A Rouboa - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2024 - Elsevier
Biomass gasification is a commonly used thermochemical process from which a wide
diversity of commodities can be generated. Meanwhile, biomass gasification, producer gas …

Global challenges in the sustainable development of biomass gasification: An overview

SK Sansaniwal, MA Rosen, SK Tyagi - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2017 - Elsevier
Biomass has proven to be an effective energy carrier capable of fulfilling the growing
demand of clean and everlasting energy source for the sustainable development of society …

Review of the use of additives to mitigate operational problems associated with the combustion of biomass with high content in ash-forming species

JL Míguez, J Porteiro, F Behrendt, D Blanco… - … and sustainable energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
The impact of additives addition on the combustion behavior of biomass with high content in
ash-forming species is evaluated in this review. Their influence on both emissions …

Barriers of commercial power generation using biomass gasification gas: A review

M Asadullah - Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2014 - Elsevier
Gasification is one of the promising technologies to convert biomass to gaseous fuels for
distributed power generation. However, the commercial exploitation of biomass energy …

The significance of pelletization operating conditions: An analysis of physical and mechanical characteristics as well as energy consumption of biomass pellets

ME Mostafa, S Hu, Y Wang, S Su, X Hu… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2019 - Elsevier
Biomass raw materials are widely regarded as a significant source of renewable energy,
which significantly reduces the dependence on traditional fossil fuels, especially in the case …

[HTML][HTML] Quality parameters relevant for densification of bio-materials: Measuring methods and affecting factors-A review

H Gilvari, W De Jong, DL Schott - Biomass and Bioenergy, 2019 - Elsevier
Densification has been carried out for many years, mostly in biomass processing, animal
feed production, and pharmaceutical industries. During the years, researchers and …

Developments in international solid biofuel trade—An analysis of volumes, policies, and market factors

P Lamers, M Junginger, C Hamelinck, A Faaij - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper presents and analyses international solid biofuel trade and concludes upon
interactions with bioenergy policies and market factors. It shows that trade has grown from …

Production and detailed characterization of bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of palm kernel shell

M Asadullah, NS Ab Rasid, SASA Kadir… - Biomass and …, 2013 - Elsevier
Bio-oil has been produced from palm kernel shell in a fluidized bed reactor. The process
conditions were optimized and the detailed characteristics of bio-oil were carried out. The …

Microwave co-torrefaction of waste oil and biomass pellets for simultaneous recovery of waste and co-firing fuel

PNY Yek, X Chen, W Peng, RK Liew, CK Cheng… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
The low bulk density and heating value of biomass pellets limit their application as a co-
firing fuel and a partial substitute fuel for high-efficiency coal boilers. In this study, we …

The properties of pellets from mixing bamboo and rice straw

Z Liu, B Fei, Z Jiang, Z Cai, Y Yu - Renewable Energy, 2013 - Elsevier
Rice straw pellets are the main type of biomass solid fuel and have great potential as a
bioenergy resource of the future in China. But it also showed important problems because of …