Psychological capital: A review and synthesis
The concept of psychological capital (PsyCap) has attracted a great deal of interest from
both academics and practitioners and has been linked to employee attitudes, behavior and …
both academics and practitioners and has been linked to employee attitudes, behavior and …
Research on workplace creativity: A review and redirection
Workplace creativity exhibited by individual employees and teams is a key driver of
organizational innovation and success. After briefly touching upon issues related to the …
organizational innovation and success. After briefly touching upon issues related to the …
Motivational mechanisms of employee creativity: A meta-analytic examination and theoretical extension of the creativity literature
Drawing on the componential theory of creativity, social cognitive theory, and prosocial
motivation theory, we examined intrinsic motivation, creative self-efficacy, and prosocial …
motivation theory, we examined intrinsic motivation, creative self-efficacy, and prosocial …
A meta-analysis of the relation between creative self-efficacy and different creativity measurements
This meta-analysis investigated the relations between creative self-efficacy (CSE) and
creativity measures and hypothesized that self-assessed questionnaires would have a …
creativity measures and hypothesized that self-assessed questionnaires would have a …
The concept of psychological capital: a comprehensive review
N Nolzen - Management Review Quarterly, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive view on the concept of psychological capital
(PsyCap) and develop an agenda for future research. PsyCap describes an individual's …
(PsyCap) and develop an agenda for future research. PsyCap describes an individual's …
Building on the positives: A psychometric review and critical analysis of the construct of P sychological C apital
The construct of P sychological C apital (P sy C ap) focuses on the positive psychological
capacities of self‐efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience and their relationship with a range …
capacities of self‐efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience and their relationship with a range …
Antecedents of psychological capital at work: a systematic review of moderator–mediator effects and a new integrative proposal
D Vilarino del Castillo… - European Management …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Psychological Capital has been proposed as one of the main bases of the current
competitive advantage of any organization; therefore, many studies have assessed the …
competitive advantage of any organization; therefore, many studies have assessed the …
Keep the fire burning: Reciprocal gains of basic need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and innovative work behaviour
Drawing on insights from self-determination theory, we explored the dynamic relationship
between intrinsic motivation and innovative work behaviour (IWB) over time. Specifically, we …
between intrinsic motivation and innovative work behaviour (IWB) over time. Specifically, we …
Does perceived corporate social responsibility motivate hotel employees to voice? The role of felt obligation and positive emotions
Y Liu, S Liu, Q Zhang, L Hu - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism …, 2021 - Elsevier
Based on social exchange and broaden-and-build of positive emotions theory, this study
examines the effect of perceived corporate social responsibility on employee voice behavior …
examines the effect of perceived corporate social responsibility on employee voice behavior …
Hope, self-efficacy, and optimism: Conceptual and empirical differences
KL Rand - 2017 - academic.oup.com
This chapter reviews the conceptual similarities and differences among Snyder's (1994)
hope, Carver and Scheier's optimism, and Bandura's self-efficacy. Unlike optimism, hope is …
hope, Carver and Scheier's optimism, and Bandura's self-efficacy. Unlike optimism, hope is …