Cenozoic volcanic provinces and shallow asthenospheric volumes in the Circum‐Mediterranean: Evidence from magmatic geochemistry, seismic tomography, and …
We compile an extensive catalog comprising geochemistry and ages of Cenozoic volcanic
provinces in the Mediterranean region, distinguishing between three groups according to …
provinces in the Mediterranean region, distinguishing between three groups according to …
[HTML][HTML] Evolution of ore-forming fluids in a post-collisional porphyry Cu-Au system: A case study from the Bučim deposit, Republic of North Macedonia
The Bučim porphyry Cu-Au deposit is situated in the westernmost part of the Serbo-
Macedonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia. The deposit is hosted by Precambrian …
Macedonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia. The deposit is hosted by Precambrian …
Palaeovolcanic Geoheritage from Volcano Geology Perspective within Earth's Geosystems: Geoeducation of the Potential Geopark Kratovo-Zletovo (North Macedonia …
This research emphasizes the vital role of geoeducation in fostering a deeper appreciation
of palaeovolcanic geoheritage in the Kratovo-Zletovo palaeovolcanic area, which is in the …
of palaeovolcanic geoheritage in the Kratovo-Zletovo palaeovolcanic area, which is in the …
Combined use of conventional and clumped carbonate stable isotopes to identify hydrothermal isotopic alteration in cave walls
Alteration of conventional carbonate stable isotopes (δ18O, δ13C) in cave walls has been
shown to be a useful tool to identify cave formation driven by deep-seated processes, ie …
shown to be a useful tool to identify cave formation driven by deep-seated processes, ie …
Building the Albanides by deep underplating
Subduction orogens grow by accretion of slices of continental lithosphere scraped off the
downgoing slab. Although seismological and geophysical data now illuminate the deep …
downgoing slab. Although seismological and geophysical data now illuminate the deep …
An integrated workflow for characterizing gas potential: Axios-Thermaikos basin (Greece)
Abstract The Axios-Thermaikos basin in northern Greece is a sedimentary composite
depocenter that developed tectonically during the Neogene. It has been considered …
depocenter that developed tectonically during the Neogene. It has been considered …
Constraining the evolutionary stages of a hypogene karst system by combining morphological, geochemical and geochronological data-the example of carbonate …
A combination of morphological observations, geochemical data from calcite minerals and
geochronology by burial age dating and U-series is used to constrain the geological and …
geochronology by burial age dating and U-series is used to constrain the geological and …
Unravelling the pre-eruptive conditions of the rhyolitic Šumovit Greben lava dome from clinopyroxene-dominant glomeroporphyritic clots
Detailed analyses of mineral composition and whole-rock geochemical data helped to
unravel the volcanic plumbing system beneath the rhyolitic Šumovit Greben lava dome, the …
unravel the volcanic plumbing system beneath the rhyolitic Šumovit Greben lava dome, the …
The paper presents the results of the petrological, geochemical and isotopic investigations
of the age of the volcanoclastic sedimentary rocks from the Vitačevo volcanic plateau. The …
of the age of the volcanoclastic sedimentary rocks from the Vitačevo volcanic plateau. The …
[HTML][HTML] Geogenic carbon dioxide degassing from active tectonic areas of the Balkan Peninsula
L LI VIGNI - 2023 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
Since the 1970s, scientific research evidenced the close relationship between deeply-
derived carbon degassing and active tectonic zones, highlighting the utmost importance of …
derived carbon degassing and active tectonic zones, highlighting the utmost importance of …