Evidence of introduced honeybees (Apis mellifera) as pollen wasters in orchid pollination
Biological invasions threaten global biodiversity, altering landscapes, ecosystems, and
mutualistic relationships like pollination. Orchids are one of the most threatened plant …
mutualistic relationships like pollination. Orchids are one of the most threatened plant …
The origin and speciation of orchids
Orchids constitute one of the most spectacular radiations of flowering plants. However, their
origin, spread across the globe, and hotspots of speciation remain uncertain due to the lack …
origin, spread across the globe, and hotspots of speciation remain uncertain due to the lack …
Neutral‐based processes overrule niche‐based processes in sha** tropical montane orchid communities across spatial scales
Tropical montane forests (TMF) are characterised by high endemism, species richness and
turnover across elevations. A key question is how niche‐based processes, via adaptation of …
turnover across elevations. A key question is how niche‐based processes, via adaptation of …
Future distribution of the epiphytic leafless orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii), its pollinators and phorophytes evaluated using niche modelling and three different climate …
The identification of future refugia for endangered species from the effects of global warming
is crucial for improving their conservation. Because climate-driven shifts in ranges and local …
is crucial for improving their conservation. Because climate-driven shifts in ranges and local …
Resilience to summer bushfire in the threatened orchid, Caladenia tessellata, in terms of pollination success, herbivory, and mycorrhizal associations
In some biogeographic regions, many threatened plant species occur in habitats that
periodically experience bushfire. However, we currently have relatively little information on …
periodically experience bushfire. However, we currently have relatively little information on …
Orchid phylogenetics and evolution: history, current status and prospects
Background Orchidaceae are one of the two largest families of angiosperms; they exhibit a
host of changes--morphological, ecological and molecular--that make them excellent …
host of changes--morphological, ecological and molecular--that make them excellent …
[HTML][HTML] Transformation of natural habitat disrupts biogeographical patterns of orchid diversity
Physical gradients are major natural drivers of global biodiversity. A key question is
understanding how biogeographic patterns are impacted by transformation of natural …
understanding how biogeographic patterns are impacted by transformation of natural …
Sweet as Vanilla hartii: Evidence for a nectar-rewarding pollination mechanism in Vanilla (Orchidaceae) flowers
Little is known about the pollination mechanisms of species belonging to the genus Vanilla
(Orchidaceae). Both autonomous self-pollination and animal-mediated pollination …
(Orchidaceae). Both autonomous self-pollination and animal-mediated pollination …
Areas of endemism of the orchids of Megamexico: Hotspots of biotic interactions with pollinators
Ecological interactions and evolutionary processes in areas of endemism remain little
studied despite the fact that identifying the patterns of functional signatures in areas of …
studied despite the fact that identifying the patterns of functional signatures in areas of …
Pollination by multiple species of nectar foraging Hymenoptera in Prasophyllum innubum, a critically endangered orchid of the Australian Alps
Context Australia has numerous threatened species of terrestrial orchid, with a particularly
high incidence of rarity in the genus Prasophyllum R. Br. Although there has been research …
high incidence of rarity in the genus Prasophyllum R. Br. Although there has been research …