Tackling educational inequalities with social psychology: Identities, contexts, and interventions
Some groups of students—typically those who have suffered because of historical inequality
in society—disproportionately experience psychological barriers to educational success …
in society—disproportionately experience psychological barriers to educational success …
[HTML][HTML] Literature review–Parent involvement and mathematic outcome
A Fiskerstrand - Educational Research Review, 2022 - Elsevier
The impact of parent involvement with their children's educational outcomes can have a
profound effect on learning, achievement, motivation, engagement, values, and goals. This …
profound effect on learning, achievement, motivation, engagement, values, and goals. This …
Interest matters: The importance of promoting interest in education
Interest is a powerful motivational process that energizes learning, guides academic and
career trajectories, and is essential to academic success. Interest is both a psychological …
career trajectories, and is essential to academic success. Interest is both a psychological …
Utility-value intervention with parents increases students' STEM preparation and career pursuit
During high school, develo** competence in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) is critically important as preparation to pursue STEM careers, yet …
mathematics (STEM) is critically important as preparation to pursue STEM careers, yet …
Interventions to increase young people's interest in STEM. A sco** review
The underrepresentation of young people and particularly young women in many STEM
fields has inspired various intervention programmes and research intended to boost their …
fields has inspired various intervention programmes and research intended to boost their …
Disassociating the relation between parents' math anxiety and children's math achievement: Long-term effects of a math app intervention.
Although parents' fears and worries about math—termed math anxiety—are negatively
associated with their children's math achievement in early elementary school, access to an …
associated with their children's math achievement in early elementary school, access to an …
[KNYGA][B] The Cambridge handbook of motivation and learning
KA Renninger, SE Hidi - 2019 - books.google.com
Written by leading researchers in educational and social psychology, learning science, and
neuroscience, this edited volume is suitable for a wide-academic readership. It gives …
neuroscience, this edited volume is suitable for a wide-academic readership. It gives …
Latine caregivers' approaches to engaging young children in mathematics
Young children's mathematical knowledge develops in the context of relationships with
important caregivers as they engage in everyday activities and routines. The purpose of this …
important caregivers as they engage in everyday activities and routines. The purpose of this …
Gender differences in high-school learning experiences, motivation, self-efficacy, and career aspirations among Taiwanese STEM college students
H Tzu-Ling - International Journal of Science Education, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this study was to answer the following two questions:(1) Do significant
differences exist in high-school learning experience, interests, self-efficacy, and career …
differences exist in high-school learning experience, interests, self-efficacy, and career …
Student-perceived parental involvement as a predictor for academic motivation in vocational education and training (VET)
The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent student-perceived parental
involvement predicted academic motivation in vocational education and training (VET) …
involvement predicted academic motivation in vocational education and training (VET) …