'We Will Protect Our Countryside without a Green Deal': The Populist Radical Right and the Environment in Czechia and Slovakia
D Kevicky - European Journal of Geography, 2023 - eurogeojournal.eu
The electoral success of the populist radical right parties (PRRPs) is currently increasing
across Europe. These parties are also increasingly commenting on environmental issues …
across Europe. These parties are also increasingly commenting on environmental issues …
Themes, approaches, and methods in the geographical analysis of Czech and Slovak parliamentary elections: a systematic review
D Kevický - AUC GEOGRAPHICA, 2021 - karolinum.cz
This article reviews the field of electoral geography in Czechia and Slovakia. It
systematically analyses selected publications to identify the most and least frequently …
systematically analyses selected publications to identify the most and least frequently …
[DOC][DOC] Continuity or Discontinuity: Spatial Patterns of Electoral Behaviour in the 2021 Czech Parliamentary Elections
J Lysek, K Macků - Politologický časopis, 2022 - researchgate.net
This article examines the spatial factors that shaped the 2021 parliamentary elections.
Building on a great deal of research in electoral geography and spatial analysis, it focused …
Building on a great deal of research in electoral geography and spatial analysis, it focused …
Socioeconomic or Political Variables? The Determinants of Voter Turnout in Czech Municipalities
Socioeconomic or Political Variables? The Determinants of Voter Turnout in Czech
Municipalities. The article contributes to the debate on the relationship between voter turnout …
Municipalities. The article contributes to the debate on the relationship between voter turnout …
Reprezentace žen na lokální úrovni: Kvalitativní komparativní analýza úspěšnosti žen v českých komunálních volbách 2014
P Bláha - Politické vedy, 2017 - ceeol.com
Political representation of women is usually the subject of research at the national level of
governance. Local level surveys are usually limited to statistical analysis or detailed …
governance. Local level surveys are usually limited to statistical analysis or detailed …
[PDF][PDF] Vliv vybraných demografických charakteristik na volební chování na Slovensku v meziválečném období
V Przybyla - Geografický časopis, 2019 - researchgate.net
Studying the electoral behaviour of voters is a basic prerequisite for understanding the
results of the elections both in the present and in the past. The main goal of our paper is to …
results of the elections both in the present and in the past. The main goal of our paper is to …
Proměny katolické religiozity tachovského okresu v uplynulých sto letech
In this study, we explored the transformations of religiosity within the town of Tachov region,
targeting particularly the majority religious group, ie the Roman Catholics (who, despite the …
targeting particularly the majority religious group, ie the Roman Catholics (who, despite the …
Kampaň SPD a Trikolóry na sociálních sítích v krajských volbách 2020
A Ullsperger - 2021 - dspace.cuni.cz
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá předvolební kampaní na sociálních sítích dvou politických
stran SPD a Trikolóry před krajskými volbami v roce 2020. Snaží se odpovědět na otázku …
stran SPD a Trikolóry před krajskými volbami v roce 2020. Snaží se odpovědět na otázku …
D Kevický - is.muni.cz
This thesis deals with electoral geography of the Slovak Republic. The main aim of the
thesis is to answer questions which factors mostly influence voting behavior of voters in …
thesis is to answer questions which factors mostly influence voting behavior of voters in …
[PDF][PDF] Zastoupení členských zemí v Evropském parlamentu po volbách 2019
J Charvát - 2020 - dspace.zcu.cz
Modern democratic political systems are hardly conceivable without political representation.
This also applies to the European Union, a unique international organisation with a directly …
This also applies to the European Union, a unique international organisation with a directly …