'We Will Protect Our Countryside without a Green Deal': The Populist Radical Right and the Environment in Czechia and Slovakia

D Kevicky - European Journal of Geography, 2023 - eurogeojournal.eu
The electoral success of the populist radical right parties (PRRPs) is currently increasing
across Europe. These parties are also increasingly commenting on environmental issues …

Themes, approaches, and methods in the geographical analysis of Czech and Slovak parliamentary elections: a systematic review

D Kevický - AUC GEOGRAPHICA, 2021 - karolinum.cz
This article reviews the field of electoral geography in Czechia and Slovakia. It
systematically analyses selected publications to identify the most and least frequently …

[DOC][DOC] Continuity or Discontinuity: Spatial Patterns of Electoral Behaviour in the 2021 Czech Parliamentary Elections

J Lysek, K Macků - Politologický časopis, 2022 - researchgate.net
This article examines the spatial factors that shaped the 2021 parliamentary elections.
Building on a great deal of research in electoral geography and spatial analysis, it focused …

Socioeconomic or Political Variables? The Determinants of Voter Turnout in Czech Municipalities

MHM Školník, M Haman - Sociológia, 2020 - ceeol.com
Socioeconomic or Political Variables? The Determinants of Voter Turnout in Czech
Municipalities. The article contributes to the debate on the relationship between voter turnout …

Reprezentace žen na lokální úrovni: Kvalitativní komparativní analýza úspěšnosti žen v českých komunálních volbách 2014

P Bláha - Politické vedy, 2017 - ceeol.com
Political representation of women is usually the subject of research at the national level of
governance. Local level surveys are usually limited to statistical analysis or detailed …

[PDF][PDF] Vliv vybraných demografických charakteristik na volební chování na Slovensku v meziválečném období

V Przybyla - Geografický časopis, 2019 - researchgate.net
Studying the electoral behaviour of voters is a basic prerequisite for understanding the
results of the elections both in the present and in the past. The main goal of our paper is to …

Proměny katolické religiozity tachovského okresu v uplynulých sto letech

J Stočes, J Váně - Historická sociologie, 2017 - ceeol.com
In this study, we explored the transformations of religiosity within the town of Tachov region,
targeting particularly the majority religious group, ie the Roman Catholics (who, despite the …

Kampaň SPD a Trikolóry na sociálních sítích v krajských volbách 2020

A Ullsperger - 2021 - dspace.cuni.cz
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá předvolební kampaní na sociálních sítích dvou politických
stran SPD a Trikolóry před krajskými volbami v roce 2020. Snaží se odpovědět na otázku …


D Kevický - is.muni.cz
This thesis deals with electoral geography of the Slovak Republic. The main aim of the
thesis is to answer questions which factors mostly influence voting behavior of voters in …

[PDF][PDF] Zastoupení členských zemí v Evropském parlamentu po volbách 2019

J Charvát - 2020 - dspace.zcu.cz
Modern democratic political systems are hardly conceivable without political representation.
This also applies to the European Union, a unique international organisation with a directly …