Single-electron phenomena in semiconductors

U Meirav, EB Foxman - Semiconductor Science and Technology, 1996‏ -
The study of single-electron phenomena associated with tunnelling in semiconductor
nanostructures has emerged in recent years as a major forefront of condensed matter …

Theory of Coulomb-blockade oscillations in the conductance of a quantum dot

CWJ Beenakker - Physical Review B, 1991‏ - APS
A linear-response theory is developed for resonant tunneling through a quantum dot of small
capacitance, in the regime of thermally broadened resonances. The theory extends the …

Quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures

CWJ Beenakker, H van Houten - Solid state physics, 1991‏ - Elsevier
Publisher Summary Quantum transport is conveniently studied in a two-dimensional
electron gas (2DEG) because of the combination of a large Fermi wavelength and large …

Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot: The Anderson model out of equilibrium

Y Meir, NS Wingreen, PA Lee - Physical review letters, 1993‏ - APS
The infinite-U Anderson model is applied to nonequilibrium transport through a quantum dot
containing two spin levels weakly coupled to two leads. At low temperatures, the Kondo …

Measurements of Coulomb blockade with a noninvasive voltage probe

M Field, CG Smith, M Pepper, DA Ritchie, JEF Frost… - Physical Review Letters, 1993‏ - APS
We have investigated the behavior of a laterally confined quantum dot in close proximity to a
one-dimensional channel in a separate electrical circuit. When this channel is biased in the …

Quantum effects in electrical and thermal transport throughnanowires

S Ciraci, A Buldum, IP Batra - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2001‏ -
Nanowires, point contacts and metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes are one-dimensional
nanostructures which display important size-dependent quantum effects. Quantization due …

Single-electron charging and periodic conductance resonances in GaAs nanostructures

U Meirav, MA Kastner, SJ Wind - Physical review letters, 1990‏ - APS
Narrow channels interrupted by two controlled potential barriers and having a tunable
electron density were made in GaAs, and their conductance was measured at low …

Observation of zero-dimensional states in a one-dimensional electron interferometer

BJ Van Wees, LP Kouwenhoven, C Harmans… - Physical Review Letters, 1989‏ - APS
We have studied the electron transport in a one-dimensional electron interferometer. It
consists of a disk-shaped two-dimensional electron gas, to which quantum point contacts …

Transport spectroscopy of a Coulomb island in the quantum Hall regime

PL McEuen, EB Foxman, U Meirav, MA Kastner, Y Meir… - Physical review …, 1991‏ - APS
Transport measurements of a Coulomb island, a semiconductor dot small enough that
Coulomb interactions dominate transport are presented. At moderate magnetic fields (B= 2 …

Transport through a finite one-dimensional crystal

LP Kouwenhoven, FWJ Hekking, BJ Van Wees… - Physical Review Letters, 1990‏ - APS
We have studied the magnetotransport properties of an artificial one-dimensional crystal.
The crystal consists of a sequence of fifteen quantum dots, defined in the two-dimensional …