Sustainability assessment of mangrove management in Madura Strait, Indonesia: A combined use of the rapid appraisal for mangroves (RAPMangroves) and the …

Z Hidayah, AR As-syakur, HA Rachman - Marine Policy, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest mangrove forest in the world. However,
degradation of this ecosystem is still happening in many coastal regions, therefore it is …

Map** of mangrove forest and carbon stock estimation of east coast Surabaya, Indonesia

Z HIDAYAH, HA RACHMAN… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2022‏ -
Hidayah Z, Rachman HA, As-Syakur AR. 2022. Map** of mangrove forest and carbon
stock estimation of east coast Surabaya, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 4826-4837. The …

Characteristics of mangroves and carbon stocks estimation in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts, Madura Island, Indonesia

DG AININDYA, KA RARASTI, KN FARIKHA… - International Journal of …, 2024‏ -
Ainindya DG, Rarasti KA, Farikha KN, Wiraatmaja MF, Yap CK, Setyawan AD. 2024.
Characteristics of mangroves and carbon stocks estimation in Sampang and Pamekasan …

Pemetaan kondisi hutan mangrove di kawasan pesisir Selat Madura dengan pendekatan Mangrove Health Index memanfaatkan citra satelit Sentinel-2

Z Hidayah, HA Rachman - Majalah Geografi Indonesia, 2023‏ -
Pemetaan dan pemantauan kondisi hutan mangrove diperlukan untuk rehabilitasi dan
konservasi lingkungan. Mangrove Health Index (MHI) menggunakan analisis citra satelit …

Enabling conditions toward the rehabilitation and preservation of mangrove ecosystem in Sampang, Madura Island, Indonesia

I AFTSARI, CL PRAMONO, DA ALYODYA… - Indo Pacific Journal of …, 2024‏ -
Aftsari I, Pramono CL, Alyodya DA, Nurwulandari M, Sujarta P, Dadiono MS, Yap CK,
Setyawan AD. 2024. Enabling conditions for the rehabilitation and preservation of mangrove …

Regional map** and community development to conserve mangrove forests on the southern coast of Sumenep Madura

Z Hidayah, K Rosyadi - WoMELA-GG 2019: The 1st Workshop on …, 2019‏ -
The extent of Indonesia's mangrove conditions both qualitatively and quantitatively
continues to decline from year to year. The increase in the number of industries and …

[PDF][PDF] Mangrove vegetation map** using Sentinel-2A imagery based on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform

LM Prayogo - Journal homepage: https://journal. trunojoyo. ac. id …, 2021‏ -
Mangroves are trees whose habitat is affected by tides, and their presence has decreased
from year to year. Today, map** technology has undergone many developments …

Vulnerability Analysis of Sea Level Rise In The Southern Coast of Bawean Island

Z Hidayah, A Romadhon… - … Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018‏ -
Bawean island is one of numerous small islands in East Java. This island is famous for its
natural resources and high level of environmental services. However in the last few years …

Sustainability analysis of coastal management in the madura strait

Z Hidayah, DM Rosyid, HD Armono - Applied Mechanics and …, 2018‏ - Trans Tech Publ
Coastal area has a strategic value for the development of national economy and improving
people's welfare. However, coastal area is also extremely vulnerable to environmental …

[PDF][PDF] Dinamika Oseanografi Air Laut (Kimia dan Fisika) Sekitaran Kawasan Mangrove Teluk Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara Oceanographic Dynamics (Chemistry and …

A Said, SA Husen‏ -
Kendari bay covers an area of roughly 19.05 Km2 that boasts the mangrove ecosystem,
where development around the gulf of Kendari resulted in changes in environmental …