Partitioned fixed-priority scheduling of parallel tasks without preemptions

D Casini, A Biondi, G Nelissen… - 2018 IEEE Real-Time …, 2018 -
The study of parallel task models executed with predictable scheduling approaches is a
fundamental problem for real-time multiprocessor systems. Nevertheless, to date, limited …

The heptane static worst-case execution time estimation tool

D Hardy, B Rouxel, I Puaut - 17th International Workshop on …, 2017 -
Estimation of worst-case execution times (WCETs) is required to validate the temporal
behavior of hard real time systems. Heptane is an open-source software program that …

Co-located parallel scheduling of threads to optimize cache sharing

C Tessler, P Modekurthy, N Fisher… - 2023 IEEE Real …, 2023 -
For hard-real time systems, cache memory increases execution time variability, increasing
the complexity of timing analysis. As such, cache memory is often treated exclusively as a …

Cache persistence-aware memory bus contention analysis for multicore systems

SA Rashid, G Nelissen, E Tovar - 2020 Design, Automation & …, 2020 -
Memory bus contention strongly relates to the number of main memory requests generated
by tasks running on different cores of a multicore platform, which, in turn, depends on the …

Improved bus contention analysis for 3-phase tasks

J Arora, SA Rashid, G Nelissen… - 2023 IEEE 29th …, 2023 -
The 3-phase task execution model has shown to be a good candidate to tackle the memory
bus contention problem. It divides the execution of tasks into computation and memory …

Integrated analysis of cache related preemption delays and cache persistence reload overheads

SA Rashid, G Nelissen, S Altmeyer… - 2017 IEEE Real …, 2017 -
Schedulability analysis for tasks running on micro-processors with cache memory is
incomplete without a treatment of Cache Related Preemption Delays (CRPD) and Cache …

Work-in-Progress: A Holistic Approach to WCRT Analysis for Multicore Systems

J Arora, SA Rashid, C Maia… - 2022 IEEE Real-Time …, 2022 -
Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multicore processors have become a preferable choice for
modern systems to meet the increasing functionalities and computational demand of modern …

Improving the accuracy of cache-aware response time analysis using preemption partitioning

F Markovic, J Carlson, S Altmeyer… - … Euromicro Conference on …, 2020 -
Schedulability analyses for preemptive real-time systems need to take into account cache-
related preemption delays (CRPD) caused by preemptions between the tasks. The …

Optimistic parallel discrete event simulations of physical systems using reverse computation

Y Tang, KS Perumalla, RM Fujimoto… - … on principles of …, 2005 -
Efficient computer simulation of complex physical phenomena has long been challenging
due to their multi-physics and multi-scale nature. In contrast to traditional time-stepped …

Tightening the CRPD bound for multilevel non-inclusive caches

SA Rashid, G Nelissen, E Tovar - Journal of Systems Architecture, 2022 - Elsevier
Tasks running on microprocessors with cache memories are often subjected to cache
related preemption delays (CRPDs). CRPDs may significantly increase task execution times …