How and when telework improves job performance during COVID-19? Job crafting as mediator and performance goal orientation as moderator

L Liu, W Wan, Q Fan - Psychology research and behavior …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose Literature shows that it is a paradox whether employees can achieve performance
in telework, especially during COVID-19. Our aim is to clarify the relationship between …

Desempeño laboral en entidades públicas peruanas: Impacto salarial, antigüedad y nivel académico

JAT Panduro, MA Cárdenas, RC Santos… - … de Gerencia: RVG, 2021 -
El correcto desempeño de las entidades públicas propicia el desarrollo social y económico
de cada nación. Por tal motivo el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de estas …

What should be focused on when digital transformation hits industries? literature review of business management adaptability

Y Zhang, PSW Fong, D Yamoah Agyemang - Sustainability, 2021 -
How traditional industries adapt to the digital economy to achieve sustainable development
has attracted scholars and practitioners. Exploring the concept of BMA (business …

[HTML][HTML] Develo** sustainable careers during a pandemic: The role of psychological capital and career adaptability

J Zyberaj, S Seibel, AF Schowalter, L Pötz… - Sustainability, 2022 -
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has not only had negative effects on employees'
health, but also on their prospects to gain and maintain employment. Using a longitudinal …

Enhancing adaptive performance in emergency response: Empowerment practices and the moderating role of tempo balance

D Huntsman, A Greer, H Murphy, S Haynes - Safety science, 2021 - Elsevier
Fire departments, like other organizations that follow rigid hierarchical structures, face
difficulties in being flexible or adaptive enough to address the needs generated by large and …

[PDF][PDF] Transfer of training on employee job performance: A literature review

SR Abd Razak, M Zahidi - International Journal of Academic …, 2024 -
This study explores the intricate connection between the transfer of training and employee
job performance, aiming to shed light on the factors that impact the effective utilization of …

Job resources and strengths use in relation to employee performance: A contextualized view

L Tisu, A Rusu, C Sulea, D Vîrgă - Psychological Reports, 2022 -
Job resources play a prominent role in employee performance literature, yet a fine-grained
understanding of how resources are relevant for several performance types is still needed …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of paradoxical leadership on adaptive performance of new-generation employees in the post-pandemic era: the role of harmonious work …

N Li, M Ding - Sustainability, 2022 -
The post-pandemic era is full of instability and uncertainty, which brings new challenges and
opportunities to the development of organization. As a sustainable feature of enterprises …

Is smart working beneficial for workers' wellbeing? A longitudinal investigation of smart working, workload, and hair cortisol/dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate during the …

A Falco, D Girardi, A Elfering, T Peric, I Pividori… - International journal of …, 2023 -
Building on the job demands–resources (JD-R) and allostatic load (AL) models, in the
present study we examined the role of smart working (SW) in the longitudinal association …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of organizational reward system on employee performance in selected hotels in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria

HA Odunayo - Saudi Journal of Business Management Studies, 2022 -
The study investigates effect of organisational reward system on employee performance in
selected hotels in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. The objective was to establish effect of …