Nanozymes: powerful catalytic materials for environmental pollutant detection and degradation
Q Diao, X Chen, Z Tang, S Li, Q Tian, Z Bu… - Environmental …, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
The increasing environmental pollution and its threats to human health require efficient
monitoring and remediation techniques. Enzymes play a significant role in environmental …
monitoring and remediation techniques. Enzymes play a significant role in environmental …
Nanozyme-based biosensor for organophosphorus pesticide monitoring: Functional design, biosensing strategy, and detection application
The excessive or illegal use of organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) in agriculture has led to
potential residue problems, making it essential to develop an effective analytical method. As …
potential residue problems, making it essential to develop an effective analytical method. As …
Exploring the potential of metal and metal oxide nanomaterials for sustainable water and wastewater treatment: a review of their antimicrobial properties
Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) are of particular interest as antimicrobial agents in water and
wastewater treatment due to their broad suppressive range against bacteria, viruses, and …
wastewater treatment due to their broad suppressive range against bacteria, viruses, and …
Oxidase-like Nanozyme Activity of Manganese Metal–Organic Framework Nanosheets for Colorimetric and Fluorescence Sensing of l-Cysteine
The utilization of ultrathin Mn-metal–organic framework (Mn-UMOF) nanosheets for oxidase-
like nanozyme activity has been demonstrated. The Mn-UMOF exhibited superior nanozyme …
like nanozyme activity has been demonstrated. The Mn-UMOF exhibited superior nanozyme …
A high catalytic activity nanozyme based on cobalt-doped carbon dots for biosensor and anticancer cell effect
W Lu, Y Guo, J Zhang, Y Yue, L Fan, F Li… - … Applied Materials & …, 2022 - ACS Publications
Nanozyme technology as an emerging field has been successfully applied to chemical
sensing, biomedicine, and environmental monitoring. It is very significant for the advance of …
sensing, biomedicine, and environmental monitoring. It is very significant for the advance of …
Insight into nanozymes for their environmental applications as antimicrobial and antifouling agents: Progress, challenges and prospects
G Fang, R Kang, S Cai, C Ge - Nano Today, 2023 - Elsevier
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistant genes have becoming one of major
environmental pollutants, which lead to the increased potential risk to human health and …
environmental pollutants, which lead to the increased potential risk to human health and …
A covalent organic framework derived N-doped carbon nanozyme as the all-rounder for targeted catalytic therapy and NIR-II photothermal therapy of cancer
X Wan, Y Ge, J Zhang, W Pan, N Li… - ACS Applied Materials & …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Nanomaterials with intrinsic enzyme-like activities (nanozymes) have gained significant
attention in cancer catalytic therapy; however, develo** metal-free nanozymes with …
attention in cancer catalytic therapy; however, develo** metal-free nanozymes with …
MXene-based composites as nanozymes in biomedicine: a perspective
MXene-based nanozymes have garnered considerable attention because of their potential
environmental and biomedical applications. These materials encompass alluring and …
environmental and biomedical applications. These materials encompass alluring and …
Enhanced peroxidase-like activity of CuS hollow nanocages by plasmon-induced hot carriers and photothermal effect for the dual-mode detection of tannic acid
S Wu, P Zhang, Z Jiang, W Zhang… - ACS Applied Materials …, 2022 - ACS Publications
High catalytic activity is one of the necessary parameters for nanozymes to substitute for
natural enzymes. It remains a great challenge to improve the specific enzyme-like activity of …
natural enzymes. It remains a great challenge to improve the specific enzyme-like activity of …
pH-responsive wound dressing based on biodegradable CuP nanozymes for treating infected and diabetic wounds
Y Feng, L Su, Z Zhang, Y Chen… - … Applied Materials & …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Nanozymes, emerging nanomaterials for wound healing, exhibit enzyme-like activity to
modulate the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at wound sites. Yet, the solo …
modulate the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at wound sites. Yet, the solo …