Parental investment, sexual selection and sex ratios

H Kokko, MD Jennions - Journal of evolutionary biology, 2008 -
Conventional sex roles imply caring females and competitive males. The evolution of sex
role divergence is widely attributed to anisogamy initiating a self‐reinforcing process. The …

[PDF][PDF] Sperm wars and the evolution of male fertility

LW Simmons, JL Fitzpatrick - Reproduction, 2012 -
Females frequently mate with several males, whose sperm then compete to fertilize
available ova. Sperm competition represents a potent selective force that is expected to …

AmphiBIO, a global database for amphibian ecological traits

BF Oliveira, VA São-Pedro, G Santos-Barrera… - Scientific data, 2017 -
Current ecological and evolutionary research are increasingly moving from species-to trait-
based approaches because traits provide a stronger link to organism's function and fitness …

How sperm competition shapes the evolution of testes and sperm: a meta-analysis

S Lüpold, RA de Boer, JP Evans… - … of the Royal …, 2020 -
Females of many species mate with multiple males, thereby inciting competition among
ejaculates from rival males for fertilization. In response to increasing sperm competition …

Evolutionary trade-off between weapons and testes

LW Simmons, DJ Emlen - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2006 -
It has long been recognized that male mating competition is responsible for the evolution of
weaponry for mate acquisition. However, when females mate with more than one male …

Strategic male calling behavior in an Australian terrestrial toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii)

PG Byrne - Copeia, 2008 - BioOne
In animals that display acoustically, males may use the presence of conspecifics to choose
optimal times for display, and in doing so minimize costs of advertisement while maximizing …

The sexual cascade and the rise of pre-ejaculatory (Darwinian) sexual selection, sex roles, and sexual conflict

GA Parker - Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology, 2014 -
After brief historic overviews of sexual selection and sexual conflict, I argue that pre-
ejaculatory sexual selection (the form of sexual selection discussed by Darwin) arose at a …

Molecular control of luteal secretion of progesterone

GD Niswender - Reproduction, 2002 -
Cholesterol provided by low-or high-density lipoprotein is the precursor for biosynthesis of
progesterone. Once inside the cell, cholesterol can be used for steroidogenesis or esterified …

Sperm motility of externally fertilizing fish and amphibians

RK Browne, SA Kaurova, VK Uteshev, NV Shishova… - Theriogenology, 2015 - Elsevier
We review the phylogeny, sperm competition, morphology, physiology, and fertilization
environments of the sperm of externally fertilizing fish and amphibians. Increased sperm …

Resolving variation in the reproductive tradeoff between sperm size and number

S Immler, S Pitnick, GA Parker, KL Durrant… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 -
Spermatozoa are amongst the most variable cells, and three factors are thought to account
for this variation in design: fertilization mode, phylogeny, and postcopulatory sexual …