Caspian Sea level changes during instrumental period, its impact and forecast: A review

H Lahijani, SAG Leroy, K Arpe, JF Cretaux - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Caspian Sea, the largest land–locked water body worldwide, has undergone
water level changes much larger than that of the oceans and within decades only. In this …

Advances in estimating Sea Level Rise: A review of tide gauge, satellite altimetry and spatial data science approaches

N Adebisi, AL Balogun, TH Min, A Tella - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Significant developments have been made in the observation systems and techniques of
estimating sea level towards meeting the standard accuracy requirement of Global Climate …

Sea level prediction using ARIMA, SVR and LSTM neural network: assessing the impact of ensemble Ocean-Atmospheric processes on models' accuracy

AL Balogun, N Adebisi - Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This study aims to integrate a broad spectrum of ocean-atmospheric variables to predict sea
level variation along West Peninsular Malaysia coastline using machine learning and deep …

[HTML][HTML] Modeling of monthly rainfall and runoff of Urmia lake basin using “feed-forward neural network” and “time series analysis” model

J Farajzadeh, AF Fard, S Lotfi - Water Resources and Industry, 2014 - Elsevier
Urmia lake basin located in northwestern Iran is the second largest saline lake in the world.
Due to many reasons ie climate changes, several dam constructions, building a bridge …

Successive-station monthly streamflow prediction using different artificial neural network algorithms

A Danandeh Mehr, E Kahya, A Şahin… - International Journal of …, 2015 - Springer
In this study, applicability of successive-station prediction models, as a practical alternative
to streamflow prediction in poor rain gauge catchments, has been investigated using …

Improved tide level prediction model combined GA-BP neural networks and GNSS SNR data

L Jian, X Wang, W Jiang, H Hao, R **, L Yang - Advances in Space …, 2024 - Elsevier
High-precision tidal forecasting plays a crucial role in providing reliable tidal information to
coastal communities, ship operators, fishermen, and government agencies. Existing tidal …

A review of trend models applied to sea level data with reference to the “acceleration‐deceleration debate”

H Visser, S Dangendorf… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Global sea levels have been rising through the past century and are projected to rise at an
accelerated rate throughout the 21st century. This has motivated a number of authors to …

Daily sea level prediction at Chiayi coast, Taiwan using extreme learning machine and relevance vector machine

M Imani, HC Kao, WH Lan, CY Kuo - Global and planetary change, 2018 - Elsevier
The analysis and the prediction of sea level fluctuations are core requirements of marine
meteorology and operational oceanography. Estimates of sea level with hours-to-days …

Operational forecasting inundation extents using REOF analysis (FIER) over lower Mekong and its potential economic impact on agriculture

CH Chang, H Lee, SK Do, TLT Du, K Markert… - … Modelling & Software, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract In the Lower Mekong River Basin floodplains, rice cultivation is highly crucial for
regional and global food security. However, prolonged flooding can pose damage to rice …

Hourly sea level height forecast based on GNSS-IR by using ARIMA model

N Zheng, H Chai, Y Ma, L Chen… - International journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Multi-satellite and Multi-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) types provide more basic
data for the monitoring of sea level height by Global Navigation Satellite System …