Theoretical challenges in galaxy formation

T Naab, JP Ostriker - Annual review of astronomy and …, 2017 -
Numerical simulations have become a major tool for understanding galaxy formation and
evolution. Over the decades the field has made significant progress. It is now possible to …

The big problems in star formation: the star formation rate, stellar clustering, and the initial mass function

MR Krumholz - Physics Reports, 2014 - Elsevier
Star formation lies at the center of a web of processes that drive cosmic evolution:
generation of radiant energy, synthesis of elements, formation of planets, and development …

FIRE-2 simulations: physics versus numerics in galaxy formation

PF Hopkins, A Wetzel, D Kereš… - Monthly Notices of …, 2018 -
ABSTRACT The Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project explores feedback in
cosmological galaxy formation simulations. Previous FIRE simulations used an identical …

A new class of accurate, mesh-free hydrodynamic simulation methods

PF Hopkins - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015 -
We present two new Lagrangian methods for hydrodynamics, in a systematic comparison
with moving-mesh, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and stationary (non-moving) …

Galaxies on FIRE (Feedback In Realistic Environments): stellar feedback explains cosmologically inefficient star formation

PF Hopkins, D Kereš, J Oñorbe… - Monthly Notices of …, 2014 -
We present a series of high-resolution cosmological simulations1 of galaxy formation to z=
0, spanning halo masses∼ 108–1013 M⊙, and stellar masses∼ 104–1011 M⊙. Our …

A model for cosmological simulations of galaxy formation physics

M Vogelsberger, S Genel, D Sijacki… - Monthly Notices of …, 2013 -
We present a new comprehensive model of the physics of galaxy formation designed for
large-scale hydrodynamical simulations of structure formation using the moving-mesh code …

Gasoline2: a modern smoothed particle hydrodynamics code

JW Wadsley, BW Keller, TR Quinn - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 2017 -
The methods in the Gasoline2 smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code are described
and tested. Gasoline2 is the most recent version of the Gasoline code for parallel …

The star formation rate of turbulent magnetized clouds: comparing theory, simulations, and observations

C Federrath, RS Klessen - The Astrophysical Journal, 2012 -
The role of turbulence and magnetic fields is studied for star formation in molecular clouds.
We derive and compare six theoretical models for the star formation rate (SFR)—the …

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics

DJ Price - Journal of Computational Physics, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper presents an overview and introduction to smoothed particle hydrodynamics and
magnetohydrodynamics in theory and in practice. Firstly, we give a basic grounding in the …

The Santa Barbara Binary− disk Code Comparison

PC Duffell, AJ Dittmann, DJ d'Orazio… - The Astrophysical …, 2024 -
We have performed numerical calculations of a binary interacting with a gas disk, using 11
different numerical methods and a standard binary− disk setup. The goal of this study is to …