Spiritual care in cancer patients: a need or an option?
CI Ripamonti, F Giuntoli, S Gonella… - Current opinion in …, 2018 - journals.lww.com
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[HTML][HTML] What aspects of religion and spirituality affect the physical health of cancer patients? A systematic review
In recent years, the literature on the relationship between religion and spirituality (R/S) and
the health of cancer patients has been flourishing. Although most studies focus on mental …
the health of cancer patients has been flourishing. Although most studies focus on mental …
The meaning of spirituality and spiritual well-being among Thai breast cancer patients: A qualitative study
Context: Spirituality is the essence of a human being. Patients who have good spiritual well-
being (SWB) will also have better quality of life. However, health-care providers usually …
being (SWB) will also have better quality of life. However, health-care providers usually …
Perception of cancer patients in palliative care about quality of life
S Meneguin, TDS Matos… - Revista brasileira de …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To understand the perception of cancer patients in palliative care about quality of
life and identify propositions for its improvement. Method: This is a quantitative research …
life and identify propositions for its improvement. Method: This is a quantitative research …
The relationships between fear of cancer recurrence, spiritual well‐being and psychological resilience in non‐metastatic breast cancer survivors during the COVID‐19 …
Objectives This study examines the relationships between fear of cancer recurrence (FCR),
spiritual well‐being (SWB) and psychological resilience in breast cancer survivors during …
spiritual well‐being (SWB) and psychological resilience in breast cancer survivors during …
A path analysis model of spiritual well-being and quality of life in Iranian cancer patients: a mediating role of hope
Purpose Maintenance of quality of life (QOL) is vital for adaptation to life-threatening and
chronic illnesses such as cancer. Therefore, the evaluation and strengthening of personal …
chronic illnesses such as cancer. Therefore, the evaluation and strengthening of personal …
The relationship between spirituality and hopelessness among cancer patients in Turkey
N Tasan, S Citlik Saritas - Journal of religion and health, 2022 - Springer
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between spirituality and
hopelessness in cancer patients. The study used a cross-sectional and correlational design …
hopelessness in cancer patients. The study used a cross-sectional and correlational design …
Spiritual well-being correlates with quality of life of both cancer and non-cancer patients in palliative care-further validation of EORTC QLQ-SWB32 in Finnish
R Goyarrola, J Lipsanen, SM Saarelainen… - BMC Palliative Care, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Background The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
(EORTC) has developed the Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-SWB32), a …
(EORTC) has developed the Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-SWB32), a …
Associations between the spiritual well-being (EORTC QLQ-SWB32) and quality of life (EORTC QLQ-C30) of patients receiving palliative care for cancer in Cyprus
M Kyranou, M Nicolaou - BMC palliative care, 2021 - Springer
Background Spiritual well-being is increasingly investigated in relation to patients' perceived
quality of life and is generally thought as having the potential to support patients with cancer …
quality of life and is generally thought as having the potential to support patients with cancer …
The assessment of spirituality between cancer and chronic inpatients: A cross-sectional study
Y Liu, H Xue, L Yan, Y **a, Y Wang - Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022 - Springer
Purpose Spiritual well-being had a protective effect on quality of life in cancer, due to the
cultural, regional, and custom differences; it was rarely been discussed between cancer and …
cultural, regional, and custom differences; it was rarely been discussed between cancer and …