How Caenorhabditis elegans Senses Mechanical Stress, Temperature, and Other Physical Stimuli
Caenorhabditis elegans lives in a complex habitat in which they routinely experience large
fluctuations in temperature, and encounter physical obstacles that vary in size and …
fluctuations in temperature, and encounter physical obstacles that vary in size and …
Temperature sensation: from molecular thermosensors to neural circuits and coding principles
R **ao, XZS Xu - Annual review of physiology, 2021 - annualreviews.org
Temperature is a universal cue and regulates many essential processes ranging from
enzymatic reactions to species migration. Due to the profound impact of temperature on …
enzymatic reactions to species migration. Due to the profound impact of temperature on …
G protein-coupled receptor-based thermosensation determines temperature acclimatization of Caenorhabditis elegans
Animals must sense and acclimatize to environmental temperatures for survival, yet their
thermosensing mechanisms other than transient receptor potential (TRP) channels remain …
thermosensing mechanisms other than transient receptor potential (TRP) channels remain …
Phasic/tonic glial GABA differentially transduce for olfactory adaptation and neuronal aging
Phasic (fast) and tonic (sustained) inhibition of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are fundamental
for regulating day-to-day activities, neuronal excitability, and plasticity. However, the …
for regulating day-to-day activities, neuronal excitability, and plasticity. However, the …
Epithelial UNC-23 limits mechanical stress to maintain glia-neuron architecture in C. elegans
For an organ to maintain correct architecture and function, its diverse cellular components
must coordinate their size and shape. Although cell-intrinsic mechanisms driving homotypic …
must coordinate their size and shape. Although cell-intrinsic mechanisms driving homotypic …
Molecular encoding of stimulus features in a single sensory neuron type enables neuronal and behavioral plasticity
Neurons modify their transcriptomes in response to an animal's experience. How specific
experiences are transduced to modulate gene expression and precisely tune neuronal …
experiences are transduced to modulate gene expression and precisely tune neuronal …
Integration of plasticity mechanisms within a single sensory neuron of C. elegans actuates a memory
Neural plasticity, the ability of neurons to change their properties in response to
experiences, underpins the nervous system's capacity to form memories and actuate …
experiences, underpins the nervous system's capacity to form memories and actuate …
[HTML][HTML] The neural basis of heat seeking in a human-infective parasitic worm
Soil-transmitted parasitic nematodes infect over one billion people and cause devastating
morbidity worldwide. Many of these parasites have infective larvae that locate hosts using …
morbidity worldwide. Many of these parasites have infective larvae that locate hosts using …
The extraordinary AFD thermosensor of C. elegans
The nematode C. elegans exhibits complex thermal experience-dependent navigation
behaviors in response to environmental temperature changes of as little as 0.01° C over a> …
behaviors in response to environmental temperature changes of as little as 0.01° C over a> …
Feeding state functionally reconfigures a sensory circuit to drive thermosensory behavioral plasticity
Internal state alters sensory behaviors to optimize survival strategies. The neuronal
mechanisms underlying hunger-dependent behavioral plasticity are not fully characterized …
mechanisms underlying hunger-dependent behavioral plasticity are not fully characterized …