Glass-ceramics for cancer treatment: So close, or yet so far?
After years of research on the ability of glass-ceramics in bone regeneration, this family of
biomaterials has shown revolutionary potentials in a couple of emerging applications such …
biomaterials has shown revolutionary potentials in a couple of emerging applications such …
An efficient and durable bifunctional electrocatalyst based on PdO and Co2FeO4 for HER and OER
The adoption of effective, minimal, and versatile electrocatalysts for water splitting to
generate hydrogen fuels is of critical importance. The bulk of newly described materials …
generate hydrogen fuels is of critical importance. The bulk of newly described materials …
Electrochemical investigation of C-doped CoFe2O4/Fe2O3 nanostructures for efficient electrochemical water splitting
For the energy conversion technology, it is crucial to design catalysts for water splitting
applications namely Oxygen evolution reaction and Hydrogen evolution reaction (OER and …
applications namely Oxygen evolution reaction and Hydrogen evolution reaction (OER and …
A mini-review of ferrites-based photocatalyst on application of hydrogen production
H Ma, C Liu - Frontiers in Energy, 2021 - Springer
Photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production is a promising strategy to produce
renewable energy and decrease production cost. Spinel-ferrites are potential photocatalysts …
renewable energy and decrease production cost. Spinel-ferrites are potential photocatalysts …
Direct-write of free-form building blocks for artificial magnetic 3D lattices
By the fabrication of periodically arranged nanomagnetic systems it is possible to engineer
novel physical properties by realizing artificial lattice geometries that are not accessible via …
novel physical properties by realizing artificial lattice geometries that are not accessible via …
Evaluation of spectral, optoelectrical, dielectric, magnetic, and morphological properties of RE3+ (La3+, and Ce3+) and Co2+ co-doped Zn0. 75Cu0. 25Fe2O4 ferrites
Present work reports the synthesis of RE 3+(La 3+, and Ce 3+) and Co 2+ co-doped Zn 0.75
Cu 0.25 Fe 2 O 4 samples powder using sol-gel auto combustion process. Rietveld …
Cu 0.25 Fe 2 O 4 samples powder using sol-gel auto combustion process. Rietveld …
Magnetic, electric and thermal properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles
L Ajroudi, N Mliki, L Bessais, V Madigou… - Materials Research …, 2014 - Elsevier
The electric and magnetic properties as well as the thermal stability of Co x Fe 3− x O 4
nanopowders,(0.6< x< 1.8) were investigated. These powders were synthezised using a one …
nanopowders,(0.6< x< 1.8) were investigated. These powders were synthezised using a one …
Eco-friendly synthesis of Mg0. 5Ni0. 5AlxFe2-xO4 magnetic nanoparticles and study of their photocatalytic activity for degradation of direct blue 129 dye
Abstract In this research, Mg 0.5 Ni 0.5 Al x Fe 2-x O 4 (x= 0.5, 1, 1.5) spinel ferrites were
synthesized by facile sol-gel technique. The effects of the aluminum ion as a dopant on …
synthesized by facile sol-gel technique. The effects of the aluminum ion as a dopant on …
Mg-modified Zn-Co-Fe-La nano ferrites: A study of structural, morphological, vibrational, electro-optical, dielectric and magnetic evolution
Abstract The series of Zn 0.4 Co 0.6− x Mg x Fe 1.9 La 0.1 O 4 (x= 0.0, 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.6)
nanoferrites prepared via co-precipitation technique. Scherrer and Williamson-Hall (WH) …
nanoferrites prepared via co-precipitation technique. Scherrer and Williamson-Hall (WH) …
Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of metal ferrites/polypyrrole nanocomposites
The combination of inorganic (eg, ferrite nanoparticles) and organic (eg, conducting
polymers) materials in the fabrication of heterojunctions or composites is an attractive …
polymers) materials in the fabrication of heterojunctions or composites is an attractive …