Lizards as model organisms for linking phylogeographic and speciation studies
Lizards have been model organisms for ecological and evolutionary studies from individual
to community levels at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Here we highlight lizards as …
to community levels at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Here we highlight lizards as …
Delimiting species without monophyletic gene trees
Genetic data are frequently used to delimit species, where species status is determined on
the basis of an exclusivity criterium, such as reciprocal monophyly. Not only are there …
the basis of an exclusivity criterium, such as reciprocal monophyly. Not only are there …
Species delimitation: new approaches for discovering diversity
Systematics can be considered to have two major goals:(1) to discover and describe species
and (2) to determine the phylogenetic relationships of these species. But even a quick …
and (2) to determine the phylogenetic relationships of these species. But even a quick …
Large‐scale species delimitation method for hyperdiverse groups
Accelerating the description of biodiversity is a major challenge as extinction rates increase.
Integrative taxonomy combining molecular, morphological, ecological and geographical …
Integrative taxonomy combining molecular, morphological, ecological and geographical …
New Metrics for Comparison of Taxonomies Reveal Striking Discrepancies among Species Delimitation Methods in Madascincus Lizards
Delimiting and describing species is fundamental to numerous biological disciplines such as
evolution, macroecology, and conservation. Delimiting species as independent evolutionary …
evolution, macroecology, and conservation. Delimiting species as independent evolutionary …
Species delimitation with ABC and other coalescent-based methods: a test of accuracy with simulations and an empirical example with lizards of the Liolaemus …
Species delimitation is a major research focus in evolutionary biology because accurate
species boundaries are a prerequisite for the study of speciation. New species delimitation …
species boundaries are a prerequisite for the study of speciation. New species delimitation …
Phylogenetic assessment of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa species complex (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA …
The Aporrectodea caliginosa species complex includes the most abundant earthworms in
grasslands and agricultural ecosystems of the Paleartic region. Historically this complex …
grasslands and agricultural ecosystems of the Paleartic region. Historically this complex …
Delimiting species in recent radiations
Despite considerable effort from the systematics community, delimiting species boundaries
in recent radiations remains a daunting challenge. We argue that genealogical approaches …
in recent radiations remains a daunting challenge. We argue that genealogical approaches …
The challenge of species delimitation at the extremes: diversification without morphological change in Philippine sun skinks
An accurate understanding of species diversity is essential to studies across a wide range of
biological subdisciplines. However, delimiting species remains challenging in evolutionary …
biological subdisciplines. However, delimiting species remains challenging in evolutionary …
Cryptic species or inadequate taxonomy? Implementation of 2D geometric morphometrics based on integumental organs as landmarks for delimitation and description …
Discovery of cryptic species using molecular tools has become common in many animal
groups but it is rarely accompanied by morphological revision, creating ongoing problems in …
groups but it is rarely accompanied by morphological revision, creating ongoing problems in …