Space-weathering of solar system bodies: A laboratory perspective
In the past few years, several major space missions have been completed (eg, Deep Impact,
LCROSS, Chandrayaan-1, Stardust, Hayabusa), and a number of spacecraft are currently …
LCROSS, Chandrayaan-1, Stardust, Hayabusa), and a number of spacecraft are currently …
Space microgrids for future manned lunar bases: A review
Several space organizations have been planning to establish a permanent, manned base
on the Moon in recent years. Such an installation demands a highly reliable electrical power …
on the Moon in recent years. Such an installation demands a highly reliable electrical power …
[HTML][HTML] LUMIO: A CubeSat for observing and characterizing micro-meteoroid impacts on the lunar far side
Abstract The Earth-Moon system is constantly bombarded by meteoroids of different size
and impact speed. Observation of the impacts on the Moon can enable thorough …
and impact speed. Observation of the impacts on the Moon can enable thorough …
The new lunar ephemeris INPOP17a and its application to fundamental physics
We present here the new INPOP lunar ephemeris, INPOP17a. This ephemeris is obtained
through the numerical integration of the equations of motion and of rotation of the Moon …
through the numerical integration of the equations of motion and of rotation of the Moon …
Relative depths of simple craters and the nature of the lunar regolith
We assessed the morphologies of more than 930 simple impact craters (diameters 40 m–10
km) on the Moon using digital terrain models (DTMs) of a variety of terrains in order to …
km) on the Moon using digital terrain models (DTMs) of a variety of terrains in order to …
Analysis of impact crater populations and the geochronology of planetary surfaces in the inner solar system
CI Fassett - Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Analyzing the density of impact craters on planetary surfaces is the only known technique for
learning their ages remotely. As a result, crater statistics have been widely analyzed on the …
learning their ages remotely. As a result, crater statistics have been widely analyzed on the …
The flux of kilogram-sized meteoroids from lunar impact monitoring
RM Suggs, DE Moser, WJ Cooke, RJ Suggs - Icarus, 2014 - Elsevier
The flashes from meteoroid impacts on the Moon are useful in determining the flux of
impactors with masses as low as a few tens of grams. A routine monitoring program at …
impactors with masses as low as a few tens of grams. A routine monitoring program at …
Meteoroids detection with the LUMIO lunar CubeSat
Abstract The Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer (LUMIO) is a CubeSat mission to observe,
quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts on the lunar farside by detecting their …
quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts on the lunar farside by detecting their …
Impact-seismic investigations of the InSight mission
Impact investigations will be an important aspect of the InSight mission. One of the scientific
goals of the mission is a measurement of the current impact rate at Mars. Impacts will …
goals of the mission is a measurement of the current impact rate at Mars. Impacts will …
The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: Mission Studies and Science Case
The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna (LGWA) is a proposed array of next-generation
inertial sensors to monitor the response of the Moon to gravitational waves (GWs). Given the …
inertial sensors to monitor the response of the Moon to gravitational waves (GWs). Given the …