[PDF][PDF] Portfolio optimization using krill herd metaheuristic algorithm considering different measures of risk in Tehran stock exchange
Objective: Portfolio optimization is one of the most important issues in investment. Harry
Markowitz was the first person who applied risk with this regard. This issue was later studied …
Markowitz was the first person who applied risk with this regard. This issue was later studied …
Prioritising SMEs Internationalisation Practices Considering Their Various Interrelating Barriers: A Sustainability and Resiliency Approach
Pressure on business to direct their activities responsibly has been increased during the last
years to extent their suitability performance in all economic, social and environmental …
years to extent their suitability performance in all economic, social and environmental …
Towards the Analysis of Industrial Symbiosis Enablers in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Hesitant Fuzzy Approach
SM Ayazi, AZ Babgohari… - Decision-Making in …, 2023 - emerald.com
Many European businesses are small and medium enterprises (SMEs), contributing
significantly to the well-being of local economies and regions. Even so, SMEs face many …
significantly to the well-being of local economies and regions. Even so, SMEs face many …
Higher moments portfolio optimization with entropy based polynomial goal programming
Objective: Portfolio selection is a critical factor in investment. Having considered a number of
risky assets, fund managers must choose the optimum portfolio. Stock values can be …
risky assets, fund managers must choose the optimum portfolio. Stock values can be …
A machine learning-based hierarchical risk parity approach: A case study of portfolio consisting of stocks of the top 30 companies on the tehran stock exchange
Objective: The problem of securities optimization is a significant financial problem, and the
issue of choosing the optimal stock portfolio has long occupied the minds of investment …
issue of choosing the optimal stock portfolio has long occupied the minds of investment …
[HTML][HTML] Performance comparison of Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm in selecting optimal portfolios in Tehran …
Objective: One of the most important issues for all investors, including individual and
institutional investors in the stock market, is finding the optimal portfolio. Identifying the …
institutional investors in the stock market, is finding the optimal portfolio. Identifying the …
Comparing the performance of Median or Mean and other risk indicators in Portfolio Optimization
EXTENDED ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Markowitz model of asset portfolio optimization
has some deficits, one of the most important of which is the normality assumption of stock …
has some deficits, one of the most important of which is the normality assumption of stock …
Investor's Psychology In Portfolio Optimization: A Goal Programming Approach
R Sharma, A Goswami, PK Gupta - Journal of Positive School …, 2022 -
This paper attempts to develop the portfolio optimization model using the Goal-Programming
technique for investors with multiple goals and constraints. Methodology: In the proposed …
technique for investors with multiple goals and constraints. Methodology: In the proposed …
[PDF][PDF] Designing the Optimal Model of Banking Assets and Liabilities Management based on the System Dynamics Approach
F Taheri, MR Setayesh, MH Janani… - … in Mathematical Finance …, 2023 - journals.iau.ir
Banks as the largest financial intermediaries play a vital role in collecting savings and
directing them toward manufacturing activities. Hence, assets and liabilities management is …
directing them toward manufacturing activities. Hence, assets and liabilities management is …
A Survey on Relation between Corporate Portfolio Management and Financial Performance in the LLP Corporations in Iran
Up to now, the effects of diversification of business portfolio has been a controversial topic.
Models of the effects of diversification on performance are categorized in three groups …
Models of the effects of diversification on performance are categorized in three groups …