De novo clustering of long-read transcriptome data using a greedy, quality value-based algorithm
Long-read sequencing of transcripts with Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) Iso-Seq and Oxford
Nanopore Technologies has proven to be central to the study of complex isoform …
Nanopore Technologies has proven to be central to the study of complex isoform …
Accurate binning of metagenomic contigs using composition, coverage, and assembly graphs
Metagenomics enables the recovery of various genetic materials from different species, thus
providing valuable insights into microbial communities. Metagenomic binning group …
providing valuable insights into microbial communities. Metagenomic binning group …
MetaCoAG: binning metagenomic contigs via composition, coverage and assembly graphs
Metagenomics has allowed us to obtain various genetic material from different species and
gain valuable insights into microbial communities. Binning plays an important role in the …
gain valuable insights into microbial communities. Binning plays an important role in the …
[KNJIGA][B] Genome-scale algorithm design: bioinformatics in the era of high-throughput sequencing
Presenting the fundamental algorithms and data structures that power bioinformatics
workflows, this book covers a range of topics from the foundations of sequence analysis …
workflows, this book covers a range of topics from the foundations of sequence analysis …
Improving metagenomic binning results with overlapped bins using assembly graphs
Background Metagenomic sequencing allows us to study the structure, diversity and ecology
in microbial communities without the necessity of obtaining pure cultures. In many …
in microbial communities without the necessity of obtaining pure cultures. In many …
De Novo Clustering of Long-Read Transcriptome Data Using a Greedy, Quality-Value Based Algorithm
Long-read sequencing of transcripts with PacBio Iso-Seq and Oxford Nanopore
Technologies has proven to be central to the study of complex isoform landscapes in many …
Technologies has proven to be central to the study of complex isoform landscapes in many …
GraphBin2: Refined and overlapped binning of metagenomic contigs using assembly graphs
VG Mallawaarachchi… - … on Algorithms in …, 2020 -
Metagenomic sequencing allows us to study structure, diversity and ecology in microbial
communities without the necessity of obtaining pure cultures. In many metagenomics …
communities without the necessity of obtaining pure cultures. In many metagenomics …
SpaRC: scalable sequence clustering using Apache Spark
Motivation Whole genome shotgun based next-generation transcriptomics and
metagenomics studies often generate 100–1000 GB sequence data derived from tens of …
metagenomics studies often generate 100–1000 GB sequence data derived from tens of …
A framework for space-efficient variable-order Markov models
Motivation Markov models with contexts of variable length are widely used in bioinformatics
for representing sets of sequences with similar biological properties. When models contain …
for representing sets of sequences with similar biological properties. When models contain …
[KNJIGA][B] Leveraging big data and machine learning technologies for accurate and scalable genomic analysis
L Shi - 2020 -
The revolution in next-generation DNA sequencing technologies is leading to explosive data
growth in genomics, posing a significant challenge to the computing infrastructure and …
growth in genomics, posing a significant challenge to the computing infrastructure and …