Big data analytics using cloud computing based frameworks for power management systems: Status, constraints, and future recommendations
Traditional parallel computing for power management systems has prime challenges such
as execution time, computational complexity, and efficiency like process time and delays in …
as execution time, computational complexity, and efficiency like process time and delays in …
Optimizing renewable energy systems through artificial intelligence: Review and future prospects
The global transition toward sustainable energy sources has prompted a surge in the
integration of renewable energy systems (RES) into existing power grids. To improve the …
integration of renewable energy systems (RES) into existing power grids. To improve the …
[HTML][HTML] Federated learning enables 6 G communication technology: Requirements, applications, and integrated with intelligence framework
The 5 G networks are effectively deployed worldwide, and academia and industries have
begun looking at 6 G network communication technology for consumer electronics …
begun looking at 6 G network communication technology for consumer electronics …
[HTML][HTML] DDoS: Distributed denial of service attack in communication standard vulnerabilities in smart grid applications and cyber security with recent developments
Smart grid system is evident with control technologies and digital communications systems.
The cyber–physical system is a critical infrastructure connected with complex drives and …
The cyber–physical system is a critical infrastructure connected with complex drives and …
A comprehensive review of recent developments in smart grid through renewable energy resources integration
CP Ohanu, SA Rufai, UC Oluchi - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Energy generation and management are relevant for both utilities and electricity users, and
they can be improved by incorporating sophisticated technology on smart grid. This opens …
they can be improved by incorporating sophisticated technology on smart grid. This opens …
Survey on joint paradigm of 5G and SDN emerging mobile technologies: Architecture, security, challenges and research directions
Modern communication systems are probable to surface new challenges while introducing
innovative fronts concerning context consciousness in wireless networks. The main outcome …
innovative fronts concerning context consciousness in wireless networks. The main outcome …
[HTML][HTML] Electric vehicles: Battery technologies, charging standards, AI communications, challenges, and future directions
Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency. An EV's main source of …
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency. An EV's main source of …
Dynamic load modeling for bulk load-using synchrophasors with wide area measurement system for smart grid real-time load monitoring and optimization
Bulk data modeling in a smart grid dynamic network has been performed using an
automated load modeling tool (ALMT), an on-load tap changer, and exponential dynamic …
automated load modeling tool (ALMT), an on-load tap changer, and exponential dynamic …
A comprehensive review on recent developments of hosting capacity estimation and optimization for active distribution networks
Recently, several types of distributed energy resources (DERs) have been developed to
reduce the environmental impact and support the global demand for electrical energy …
reduce the environmental impact and support the global demand for electrical energy …
[HTML][HTML] Review of batteries reliability in electric vehicle and E-mobility applications
Electric mobility (E-Mobility) has expedited transportation decarbonization worldwide.
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) could help transition gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles …
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) could help transition gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles …