A review of the arcuate structures in the Iberian Variscides; constraints and genetic models

R Dias, A Ribeiro, J Romão, C Coke, N Moreira - Tectonophysics, 2016 - Elsevier
ABSTRACT In the Iberian Variscides several first order arcuate structures have been
considered. In spite of being highly studied their characterization, formation mechanisms …

Role of folding-related deformation in the seismicity of shallow accretionary prisms

F Remitti, A Festa, G Nirta, E Barbero… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
The sources of shallow slow earthquakes at subduction zone fronts remain unclear, but are
commonly attributed to faults and shear zones. Structural studies of modern and ancient …

A revised geodynamic model for the Lapland-Kola orogen

R Lahtinen, H Huhma - Precambrian Research, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The Paleoproterozoic Lapland-Kola Orogen in Fennoscandia has been studied for
decades and several plate tectonic models have been proposed including one-sided …

Linking geoheritage and traditional architecture for mitigating depopulation in rural areas: The Palaeozoic Villages Route (Courel Mountains UNESCO Global …

D Ballesteros, P Caldevilla, R Vila, XC Barros… - Geoheritage, 2021 - Springer
The use of stone in traditional architecture represents one of the most relevant links between
geological and cultural heritage. As a topic of general interest and easily understandable to …

New kinematic constraints on the Cantabrian orocline: A paleomagnetic study from the Peñalba and Truchas synclines, NW Spain

J Fernández-Lozano, D Pastor-Galán… - Tectonophysics, 2016 - Elsevier
The Cantabrian orocline is a large structure that bends the Variscan orogen of Western
Europe in NW Iberia. The extensively studied kinematics of its core, the foreland of the …

Heterogeneous constrictional deformation in a ductile shear zone resulting from the transposition of a lineation-parallel fold

P Xypolias, V Chatzaras, R Beane… - Journal of Structural …, 2013 - Elsevier
We use new (micro-) structural, petrofabric, strain and vorticity data to analyze the
deformation path in a mesoscopic quartz mylonite zone. The mylonite zone resulted from the …

Recumbent folds: key structural elements in orogenic belts

F Bastida, J Aller, FJ Fernández, RJ Lisle… - Earth-science …, 2014 - Elsevier
This review has two main parts. The first of them presents existing ideas and data related to
recumbent folds, reviewing aspects such as the physical conditions of the development of …

Crustal thickening and attenuation as revealed by regional fold interference patterns: Ciudad Rodrigo basement area (Salamanca, Spain)

RD Fernández, JG Barreiro, JRM Catalán… - Journal of Structural …, 2013 - Elsevier
The structure of the Ciudad Rodrigo area (Iberian Massif, Central Iberian Zone) has been
revisited in order to integrate new geological data with recent models of the evolution of the …

Evidence of Variscan and Alpine tectonics in the structural and thermochronological record of the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (south-eastern Serbia)

MD Antić, A Kounov, B Trivić, R Spikings… - international Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The Serbo-Macedonian Massif (SMM) represents a composite crystalline belt within
the Eastern European Alpine orogen, outcrop** from the Pannonian basin in the north to …

[HTML][HTML] Thrust vs. fold nappes: Mechanical and geometrical controls from 2D numerical simulations and applications to a recumbent fold of the Pyrenees

M Guardia, A Griera, BJP Kaus, A Piccolo… - Journal of Structural …, 2025 - Elsevier
Thrust and fold nappes are found in the internal and external portion of orogenetic belts, and
have been the subject of geometric and kinematic characterization during the last century. In …