Does revealed comparative advantage matter in the gravity of FTAs?

A Ahmed, N Nazeer, GR Zahid… - Journal of International …, 2023 -
Purpose This study attempts to recognize the effects of the Pakistan–China free trade
agreements (PCFTA) on promoting trade between the two economies. Design/methodology …

[PDF][PDF] An empirical analysis of the competitiveness of the Bangladesh readymade garment sector: the impact of the MFA phase-out and the Rana Plaza collapse on …

M Ashadullah - Policy Science, 2020 -
The objective of this study is to examine the competitiveness of the Bangladesh ready-made
garment (RMG) sector. Specifically, it analyzes how the competitiveness of the top five RMG …

The Impact of COVID–19 on EU‑China Trade Flows

D Choroś‑Mrozowska - Comparative Economic Research. Central and …, 2022 -
COVID–19 is expected to have contributed towards changing the geographical structure of
world trade, including trade between individual EU countries and China. This article …

Analisis Determinan Ekspor Komoditas Tekstil: Studi Kasus China, Jerman, India, dan Indonesia

P Herawati - … : Journal of Educational and Cultural Studies, 2023 -
The textile commodity is one of the long-term priority sectors of the manufacturing industry,
as the textile industry is a relatively reliable sector. However, the value of textile exports …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the competitiveness of Turkey's agricultural sector and the consistency amongst alternative measures.

A Aboud, MA Şahinli - 2021 -
In international trade and economics, comparative advantage index is one of the key
instruments for measuring competitiveness. This study examined the static and dynamic …

Export specialization of railway engineering of Russian macro-regions

E Andreeva, A Golovina, A Ratner - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 -
The export specialization of Russian railway engineering in the context of federal districts
and individual product positions for 2018-2020 was analyzed by calculating the conditional …

Comparative Advantage and the Knowledge-Based Economy. Experiences from Polish-Chinese trade

D Choroś-Mrozowska - Horyzonty Polityki, 2023 -
The classical model of comparative advantage, although not able to explain all of the
complexities of contemporary trade relations, has been the subject of numerous empirical …

The Fundamental Patterns of Comparative Advantage of Steel Industry in Indonesia

NB Sari, C Parsons, N Shrestha - Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, 2020 -
< jats: p> Abstrak Pengukuran produktivitas yang akurat dapat memberikan informasi yang
berguna dalam meningkatkan daya saing. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami …

Wpływ pandemii COVID–19 na wzorce handlu UE‑Chiny

D Choroś‑Mrozowska - Comparative Economic Research, 2022 -
Można oczekiwać, że trwająca obecnie pandemia COVID–19 przyczyni się do zmiany
struktury geograficznej handlu światowego, w tym wymiany między poszczególnymi krajami …

Dampak Demokrasi terhadap Perdagangan di Negara-Negara Berpendapatan Menengah dan Tinggi Asia [Impacts of Democracy on Trade Activity in Asia's Middle …

NRM Tambunan - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik, 2020 -
A democratic system is a way as the basis for supporting the trade process among countries.
Increased international trade can generate economic growth. But some parties claim that …