Does revealed comparative advantage matter in the gravity of FTAs?
Purpose This study attempts to recognize the effects of the Pakistan–China free trade
agreements (PCFTA) on promoting trade between the two economies. Design/methodology …
agreements (PCFTA) on promoting trade between the two economies. Design/methodology …
[PDF][PDF] An empirical analysis of the competitiveness of the Bangladesh readymade garment sector: the impact of the MFA phase-out and the Rana Plaza collapse on …
M Ashadullah - Policy Science, 2020 - ritsumei.repo.nii.ac.jp
The objective of this study is to examine the competitiveness of the Bangladesh ready-made
garment (RMG) sector. Specifically, it analyzes how the competitiveness of the top five RMG …
garment (RMG) sector. Specifically, it analyzes how the competitiveness of the top five RMG …
The Impact of COVID–19 on EU‑China Trade Flows
D Choroś‑Mrozowska - Comparative Economic Research. Central and …, 2022 - ceeol.com
COVID–19 is expected to have contributed towards changing the geographical structure of
world trade, including trade between individual EU countries and China. This article …
world trade, including trade between individual EU countries and China. This article …
Analisis Determinan Ekspor Komoditas Tekstil: Studi Kasus China, Jerman, India, dan Indonesia
P Herawati - … : Journal of Educational and Cultural Studies, 2023 - jurnal.litnuspublisher.com
The textile commodity is one of the long-term priority sectors of the manufacturing industry,
as the textile industry is a relatively reliable sector. However, the value of textile exports …
as the textile industry is a relatively reliable sector. However, the value of textile exports …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the competitiveness of Turkey's agricultural sector and the consistency amongst alternative measures.
A Aboud, MA Şahinli - 2021 - managementjournal.usamv.ro
In international trade and economics, comparative advantage index is one of the key
instruments for measuring competitiveness. This study examined the static and dynamic …
instruments for measuring competitiveness. This study examined the static and dynamic …
Export specialization of railway engineering of Russian macro-regions
E Andreeva, A Golovina, A Ratner - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
The export specialization of Russian railway engineering in the context of federal districts
and individual product positions for 2018-2020 was analyzed by calculating the conditional …
and individual product positions for 2018-2020 was analyzed by calculating the conditional …
Comparative Advantage and the Knowledge-Based Economy. Experiences from Polish-Chinese trade
D Choroś-Mrozowska - Horyzonty Polityki, 2023 - ceeol.com
The classical model of comparative advantage, although not able to explain all of the
complexities of contemporary trade relations, has been the subject of numerous empirical …
complexities of contemporary trade relations, has been the subject of numerous empirical …
The Fundamental Patterns of Comparative Advantage of Steel Industry in Indonesia
NB Sari, C Parsons, N Shrestha - Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, 2020 - cir.nii.ac.jp
< jats: p> Abstrak Pengukuran produktivitas yang akurat dapat memberikan informasi yang
berguna dalam meningkatkan daya saing. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami …
berguna dalam meningkatkan daya saing. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami …
Wpływ pandemii COVID–19 na wzorce handlu UE‑Chiny
D Choroś‑Mrozowska - Comparative Economic Research, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Można oczekiwać, że trwająca obecnie pandemia COVID–19 przyczyni się do zmiany
struktury geograficznej handlu światowego, w tym wymiany między poszczególnymi krajami …
struktury geograficznej handlu światowego, w tym wymiany między poszczególnymi krajami …
Dampak Demokrasi terhadap Perdagangan di Negara-Negara Berpendapatan Menengah dan Tinggi Asia [Impacts of Democracy on Trade Activity in Asia's Middle …
NRM Tambunan - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik, 2020 - vs-dprexternal3.dpr.go.id
A democratic system is a way as the basis for supporting the trade process among countries.
Increased international trade can generate economic growth. But some parties claim that …
Increased international trade can generate economic growth. But some parties claim that …