The evolution of animal weapons

DJ Emlen - Annual review of ecology, evolution, and …, 2008 -
Males in many species invest substantially in structures that are used in combat with rivals
over access to females. These weapons can attain extreme proportions and have diversified …

Integrated phenotypes: understanding trait covariation in plants and animals

WS Armbruster, C Pélabon… - … Transactions of the …, 2014 -
Integration and modularity refer to the patterns and processes of trait interaction and
independence. Both terms have complex histories with respect to both conceptualization …

[CARTE][B] Principles of animal communication

JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 -
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …

A mechanism of extreme growth and reliable signaling in sexually selected ornaments and weapons

DJ Emlen, IA Warren, A Johns, I Dworkin, LC Lavine - Science, 2012 -
Many male animals wield ornaments or weapons of exaggerated proportions. We propose
that increased cellular sensitivity to signaling through the insulin/insulin-like growth factor …

Evolution of morphological allometry

C Pélabon, C Firmat, GH Bolstad… - Annals of the new …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Morphological allometry refers to patterns of covariance between body parts resulting from
variation in body size. Whether measured during growth (ontogenetic allometry), among …

Ordinary least squares regression is indicated for studies of allometry

JT Kilmer, RL Rodríguez - Journal of evolutionary biology, 2017 -
When it comes to fitting simple allometric slopes through measurement data, evolutionary
biologists have been torn between regression methods. On the one hand, there is the …

Sexual selection and genital evolution

LW Simmons - Austral Entomology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Male genitalia show patterns of divergent evolution, and sexual selection is recognised as
being responsible for this taxonomically widespread phenomenon. Much of the empirical …

Allometric constraints and the evolution of allometry

KL Voje, TF Hansen, CK Egset, GH Bolstad… - …, 2014 -
Morphological traits often covary within and among species according to simple power laws
referred to as allometry. Such allometric relationships may result from common growth …

Sexual selection and allometry: a critical reappraisal of the evidence and ideas

R Bonduriansky - Evolution, 2007 -
One of the most pervasive ideas in the sexual selection literature is the belief that sexually
selected traits almost universally exhibit positive static allometries (ie, within a sample of …

The allometry of ornaments and weapons

A Kodric-Brown, RM Sibly, JH Brown - Proceedings of the National …, 2006 -
Exaggerated male traits that have evolved under sexual selection include ornaments to
attract mates and weapons to deter rivals. Data from studies of many such traits in diverse …