Understanding the receiving side of creativity: A multidisciplinary review and implications for management research
Understanding the receiving side of creativity has both scientific and practical value.
Creativity can add value to organizations after it is perceived, evaluated, and eventually …
Creativity can add value to organizations after it is perceived, evaluated, and eventually …
Perceived values and motivations influencing m-commerce use: A nine-country comparative study
Abstract Mobile--> commerce (m-commerce) has become increasingly important for
organizations attempting to grow revenue by expanding into international markets. However …
organizations attempting to grow revenue by expanding into international markets. However …
Measuring customer perceptions of restaurant innovativeness: Develo** and validating a scale
The primary purpose of the study is to identify customer perceptions of restaurant
innovativeness (CPRI), and accordingly develop a multidimensional scale for measuring the …
innovativeness (CPRI), and accordingly develop a multidimensional scale for measuring the …
Consumer perceptions of product creativity, coolness, value and attitude
Of the two dimensions of creativity, novelty and meaningfulness, the importance of novelty is
mixed in empirical managerial research. This study extends creativity research to …
mixed in empirical managerial research. This study extends creativity research to …
Consumer perceived brand innovativeness: Conceptualization and operationalization
Purpose–This paper aims to examine brand innovativeness. While innovativeness has been
studied at the product and firm levels, there is little research at the brand level. This paper …
studied at the product and firm levels, there is little research at the brand level. This paper …
Confirmatory factor analysis
H Gatignon, H Gatignon - Statistical analysis of management data, 2014 - Springer
Confirmatory Factor Analysis | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement Springer Nature
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Mediating customer engagement in the relationship between fast-food restaurants' innovativeness and brand evangelism during COVID-19: evidence from emergent …
Purpose The proliferation of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has threatened the service
industry, especially the restaurant sector, requiring innovative ways to help restaurants …
industry, especially the restaurant sector, requiring innovative ways to help restaurants …
Cultural distance and cross-border diffusion of innovation: a literature review
H Zhang, M Tian, TK Hung - Academia Revista Latinoamericana de …, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose The objective of this study is to advance the understanding of the connection
between cultural distance and the cross-border diffusion of innovations by conducting a …
between cultural distance and the cross-border diffusion of innovations by conducting a …
Not just food: Exploring the influence of food blog engagement on intention to taste and to visit
G Mainolfi, V Marino, R Resciniti - British Food Journal, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The present study investigates the impact of perceived enjoyment, blogger
credibility and homophily on readers' engagement. Moreover, the study investigates the role …
credibility and homophily on readers' engagement. Moreover, the study investigates the role …