Paradigm shifts in marine fisheries genetics: ugly hypotheses slain by beautiful facts
By providing new approaches to the investigation of demographic and evolutionary
dynamics of wild populations, molecular genetics has led to fundamental changes in our …
dynamics of wild populations, molecular genetics has led to fundamental changes in our …
[HTML][HTML] Small pelagic fish in the new millennium: a bottom-up view of global research effort
Small pelagic fish (SPF) play extremely important ecological roles in marine ecosystems,
form some of the most economically valuable fisheries resources, and play a vital role in …
form some of the most economically valuable fisheries resources, and play a vital role in …
Energy acquisition and allocation to egg production in relation to fish reproductive strategies
Oogenesis in fishes follows a universal plan; yet, due to differences in the synchrony and
rate of egg development, spawning frequency varies from daily to once in a lifetime. Some …
rate of egg development, spawning frequency varies from daily to once in a lifetime. Some …
Life cycle ecophysiology of small pelagic fish and climate-driven changes in populations
Due to their population characteristics and trophodynamic role, small pelagic fishes are
excellent bio-indicators of climate-driven changes in marine systems world-wide. We argue …
excellent bio-indicators of climate-driven changes in marine systems world-wide. We argue …
Overfishing and the disappearance of short-beaked common dolphins from western Greece
Once one of the most common cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, the short-beaked
common dolphin has declined throughout the region since the 1960s and in 2003 this …
common dolphin has declined throughout the region since the 1960s and in 2003 this …
Spawning stock, egg production and larval survival in relation to small pelagic fish recruitment
Under the general framework of existing recruitment hypotheses, knowledge on the drivers
and mechanisms involved in the determination of the year class strength of small pelagic …
and mechanisms involved in the determination of the year class strength of small pelagic …
Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction
Limited resources in the environment prevent individuals from simultaneously maximizing all
life-history traits, resulting in trade-offs. In particular, the cost of reproduction is well known to …
life-history traits, resulting in trade-offs. In particular, the cost of reproduction is well known to …
Fishermen's perception on the sustainability of small‐scale fisheries and dolphin–fisheries interactions in two increasingly fragile coastal ecosystems in western …
Despite their geographic proximity, the Gulf of Ambracia and the Inner Ionian Sea
Archipelago are remarkably different in terms of environmental features, human activities …
Archipelago are remarkably different in terms of environmental features, human activities …
Anchovy and sardine in the Adriatic Sea—an ecological review
EB Morello, E Arneri - Oceanography and marine biology, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Abstract Sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum, 1792) and anchovy (Engraulis
encrasicolus, Linnaeus, 1758) are two commercially important coastal pelagic species. The …
encrasicolus, Linnaeus, 1758) are two commercially important coastal pelagic species. The …
Habitat suitability modelling for sardine Sardina pilchardus in a highly diverse ecosystem: the Mediterranean Sea
Integrated information from different parts of the Mediterranean Sea was used to model the
spatial and temporal variability of the distribution grounds of the sardine population. Acoustic …
spatial and temporal variability of the distribution grounds of the sardine population. Acoustic …