Micius quantum experiments in space
Quantum theory has been successfully validated in numerous laboratory experiments. But
would such a theory, which effectively describes the behavior of microscopic physical …
would such a theory, which effectively describes the behavior of microscopic physical …
The evolution of quantum key distribution networks: On the road to the qinternet
Quantum key distribution (QKD) constitutes a symmetric secret key negotiation protocol
capable of maintaining information-theoretic security. Given the recent advances in QKD …
capable of maintaining information-theoretic security. Given the recent advances in QKD …
Quantum communication using semiconductor quantum dots
Worldwide, enormous efforts are directed toward the development of the so‐called quantum
internet. Turning this long‐sought‐after dream into reality is a great challenge that will …
internet. Turning this long‐sought‐after dream into reality is a great challenge that will …
Entanglement certification from theory to experiment
Entanglement is an important resource for quantum technologies. There are many ways
quantum systems can be entangled, ranging from the two-qubit case to entanglement in …
quantum systems can be entangled, ranging from the two-qubit case to entanglement in …
Secure quantum key distribution
Secure communication is crucial in the Internet Age, and quantum mechanics stands poised
to revolutionize cryptography as we know it today. In this Review, we introduce the …
to revolutionize cryptography as we know it today. In this Review, we introduce the …
Creation and detection of vector vortex modes for classical and quantum communication
Vector vortex beams are structured states of light that are nonseparable in their polarisation
and spatial mode, they are eigenmodes of free-space and many fiber systems, and have the …
and spatial mode, they are eigenmodes of free-space and many fiber systems, and have the …
Reconfigurable quantum local area network over deployed fiber
Practical quantum networking architectures are crucial for scaling the connection of quantum
resources. Yet quantum network testbeds have thus far underutilized the full capabilities of …
resources. Yet quantum network testbeds have thus far underutilized the full capabilities of …
Quantum information processing with space-division multiplexing optical fibres
The optical fibre is an essential tool for our communication infrastructure since it is the main
transmission channel for optical communications. The latest major advance in optical fibre …
transmission channel for optical communications. The latest major advance in optical fibre …
Entangled photon-pair sources based on three-wave mixing in bulk crystals
Entangled photon pairs are a critical resource in quantum communication protocols ranging
from quantum key distribution to teleportation. The current workhorse technique for …
from quantum key distribution to teleportation. The current workhorse technique for …
Experimental demonstration of free-space decoy-state quantum key distribution over 144 km
We report on the experimental implementation of a Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol
type quantum key distribution over a 144 km free-space link using weak coherent laser …
type quantum key distribution over a 144 km free-space link using weak coherent laser …