Life's essential 8: updating and enhancing the American Heart Association's construct of cardiovascular health: a presidential advisory from the American Heart …
DM Lloyd-Jones, NB Allen, CAM Anderson, T Black… - Circulation, 2022 - ahajournals.org
In 2010, the American Heart Association defined a novel construct of cardiovascular health
to promote a paradigm shift from a focus solely on disease treatment to one inclusive of …
to promote a paradigm shift from a focus solely on disease treatment to one inclusive of …
PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA statement for reporting literature searches in systematic reviews
Background Literature searches underlie the foundations of systematic reviews and related
review types. Yet, the literature searching component of systematic reviews and related …
review types. Yet, the literature searching component of systematic reviews and related …
School-related physical activity interventions and mental health among children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Andermo, M Hallgren, TTD Nguyen, S Jonsson… - Sports medicine …, 2020 - Springer
Background Low levels of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and mental health
problems are issues that have received considerable attention in the last decade. The aim of …
problems are issues that have received considerable attention in the last decade. The aim of …
Barriers and facilitators influencing the sustainment of health behaviour interventions in schools and childcare services: a systematic review
Background Sustainment has been defined as the sustained use or delivery of an
intervention in practice following cessation of external implementation support. This review …
intervention in practice following cessation of external implementation support. This review …
School health as a strategy to improve both public health and education
LJ Kolbe - Annual review of public health, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Because schools materially influence both health and education, they substantially
determine the future well-being and economic productivity of populations. Recent research …
determine the future well-being and economic productivity of populations. Recent research …
Strategies to improve the implementation of healthy eating, physical activity and obesity prevention policies, practices or programmes within childcare services
Background Despite the existence of effective interventions and best‐practice guideline
recommendations for childcare services to implement evidence‐based policies, practices …
recommendations for childcare services to implement evidence‐based policies, practices …
Scaling‐up evidence‐based obesity interventions: a systematic review assessing intervention adaptations and effectiveness and quantifying the scale‐up penalty
Maximizing the benefits of investments in obesity research requires effective interventions to
be adopted and disseminated broadly across populations (scaled‐up). However …
be adopted and disseminated broadly across populations (scaled‐up). However …
Strategies to improve the implementation of workplace‐based policies or practices targeting tobacco, alcohol, diet, physical activity and obesity
L Wolfenden, S Goldman, FG Stacey… - Cochrane Database …, 2018 - cochranelibrary.com
Background Given the substantial period of time adults spend in their workplaces each day,
these provide an opportune setting for interventions addressing modifiable behavioural risk …
these provide an opportune setting for interventions addressing modifiable behavioural risk …
Expanding implementation research to prevent chronic diseases in community settings
Chronic disease prevention continues to be inadequate, overall and in achieving health
equity, in spite of the many evidence-based practices and policies (EBPPs) available to …
equity, in spite of the many evidence-based practices and policies (EBPPs) available to …
[HTML][HTML] The family environment as a source for creating the dietary attitudes of primary school students—a focus group interview: the junior-edu-Żywienie (JEŻ) …
The family environment plays a crucial role in creating the health behaviours of children and
youth. This study aimed to explore the attitudes of parents with children aged 7–12 who …
youth. This study aimed to explore the attitudes of parents with children aged 7–12 who …