Designing a framework for addressing bycatch problems in Brazilian small-scale trawl fisheries

JHG Guanais, RP Medeiros, PA McConney - Marine Policy, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a fisheries management approach to facilitate the adoption of new
technologies for bycatch reduction (Bycatch Reduction Devices–BRD) in small-scale …

Multidimensional evaluation of brown shrimp trawling fisheries on the amazon continental shelf

JG Araújo, AS Mello Filho, UI Peixoto… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2022 -
Brown shrimp (Penaeus subtilis) trawling in the northern coastal waters of Brazil is an
industrial fishing activity with a share in the international market and an important resource …

Integrating research and fishing extension approaches to engage small-scale fishers in the participatory evaluation and voluntary use of bycatch reduction devices

ICG Mesquita, RP Medeiros - Marine Policy, 2023 - Elsevier
The main strategy for reducing discards in shrimp trawl fisheries has been the development
and use of bycatch reduction devices (BRDs). Research has focused on the performance of …

Estratégias para a redução da fauna acompanhante na frota artesanal de arrasto do camarão sete-barbas: perspectivas para a gestão pesqueira

RP Medeiros, JHDG GUANAIS… - Boletim do Instituto …, 2013 -
Bycatch reduction devices (BRD) are technical modifications installed in trawl nets in order
to avoid or to reduce unwanted fishing mortality. We examined the perspectives of use of …

[PDF][PDF] Proposed bycatch-reduction modifications of shrimp fyke nets used in South American lagoons

EGG Farias, AC Pereira-Júnior… - Acta Ichthyologica et …, 2019 -
Background. Shrimp fisheries using fyke nets have been associated with a massive
acquisition of teleost fishes as bycatch, potentially resulting in the decimation of their stocks …

O camarão sete-barbas na Bahia: aspectos da sua pesca e biologia

ECG Couto, FJ Guimarães… - Boletim do Instituto …, 2013 -
The fishing activity in Bahia state presents great economic importance, being basically
artisanal. Trawling is carried out since the 1970ââ ‚¬ â „¢ s and, among the resources …

Caracterização socioeconômica da pesca artesanal do camarão sete-barbas em Porto Belo, SC

MC Sedrez, CF dos SANTOS… - Boletim do Instituto …, 2013 -
The artisanal fishing for the sea-bob shrimp (**phopenaeus kroyeri) has been practiced on
the Santa Catarina coast since 1960, always using the method of motorized dragnet with …

Estudo da CPUE da pesca paulista dirigida ao camarão sete-barbas entre 2000 e 2011

JT Mendonça, R da GRAÇA-LOPES… - Boletim do Instituto …, 2013 -
Sea-bob-shrimp (**phopenaeus kroyeri) fishery is operated all over the coast off São Paulo
State. For that reason, the management and supervision of those catches is necessary in …

Assessing nine devices to reduce bycatch in the pink shrimp Penaeus paulensis fisheries: Lessons from field experiments with fyke nets

S Silveira, DLV Duarte, LS Rodrigues… - Regional Studies in …, 2024 - Elsevier
The adoption of bycatch reduction devices (BRD) has been widely used to reduce bycatch in
several fisheries worldwide, especially in trawl nets targeting shrimps. However, the …

Utilização da Rede Social Instagram para divulgação científica em Ictiologia: Relato de experiência.

K Leal Nascimento, R Santos… - Revista Brasileira …, 2024 -
As redes sociais apresentam grande poder de propagação de informações à toda
população. A investigação do Laboratório de Ictiologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe …