Diet tracing in ecology: Method comparison and selection
Determining diet is a key prerequisite for understanding species interactions, food web
structure and ecological dynamics. In recent years, there has been considerable …
structure and ecological dynamics. In recent years, there has been considerable …
Global change‐driven effects on dissolved organic matter composition: Implications for food webs of northern lakes
Northern ecosystems are experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of global change
on Earth. Rising temperatures, hydrological intensification, changes in atmospheric acid …
on Earth. Rising temperatures, hydrological intensification, changes in atmospheric acid …
[HTML][HTML] Ecology and extent of freshwater browning-What we know and what should be studied next in the context of global change
Water browning or brownification refers to increasing water color, often related to increasing
dissolved organic matter (DOM) and carbon (DOC) content in freshwaters. Browning has …
dissolved organic matter (DOM) and carbon (DOC) content in freshwaters. Browning has …
Large but variable methane production in anoxic freshwater sediment upon addition of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter
An important question in the context of climate change is to understand how CH4 production
is regulated in anoxic sediments of lakes and reservoirs. The type of organic carbon (OC) …
is regulated in anoxic sediments of lakes and reservoirs. The type of organic carbon (OC) …
Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes: a critical mini-review
In many dry parts of the world, salinization of water resources threatens freshwater
biodiversity and the livelihood of people. However, ecological impact studies remain scarce …
biodiversity and the livelihood of people. However, ecological impact studies remain scarce …
Essential biomolecules in food webs
We here review the ecological role of essential nutritional biomolecules [fatty acids (FA),
amino acids (AA), sterols, vitamins] in aquatic and terrestrial food webs, encompassing the …
amino acids (AA), sterols, vitamins] in aquatic and terrestrial food webs, encompassing the …
The importance of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids as high‐quality food in freshwater ecosystems with implications of global change
Traditionally, trophic ecology research on aquatic ecosystems has focused more on the
quantity of dietary energy flow within food webs rather than food quality and its effects on …
quantity of dietary energy flow within food webs rather than food quality and its effects on …
Determining dominating control mechanisms of inland water carbon cycling processes and associated gross primary productivity on regional and global scales
Inland water carbon (C) sequestration rates play a potentially important role in the balance
between C supplies from the atmosphere and associated watersheds and the net demand of …
between C supplies from the atmosphere and associated watersheds and the net demand of …
Aquatic biomass is a major source to particulate organic matter export in large Arctic rivers
Arctic rivers provide an integrated signature of the changing landscape and transmit signals
of change to the ocean. Here, we use a decade of particulate organic matter (POM) …
of change to the ocean. Here, we use a decade of particulate organic matter (POM) …
Water flow promotes nutrient release and microbial community assembly during Hydrilla verticillata decomposition
X Lv, S Zhang, L Zhang, S Guo, Y Ma, T Zhou - Journal of Cleaner …, 2023 - Elsevier
The macrophytes decomposition is an important process in global freshwater ecosystems.
However, the differences and dynamics in nutrient biogeochemical cycles are far from clear …
However, the differences and dynamics in nutrient biogeochemical cycles are far from clear …