Electromagnetic theory of optical coherence
The coherence theory of random, vector-valued optical fields has been of great research
interest in recent years. In this work we formulate the foundations of electromagnetic …
interest in recent years. In this work we formulate the foundations of electromagnetic …
[كتاب][B] Polarized light and the Mueller matrix approach
JJ Gil, R Ossikovski - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
An Up-to-Date Compendium on the Physics and Mathematics of Polarization Phenomena
Now thoroughly revised, Polarized Light and the Mueller Matrix Approach cohesively …
Now thoroughly revised, Polarized Light and the Mueller Matrix Approach cohesively …
Geometric descriptions for the polarization of nonparaxial light: a tutorial
MA Alonso - Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2023 - opg.optica.org
This tutorial provides an overview of the local description of polarization for nonparaxial
light, for which all Cartesian components of the electric field are significant. The polarization …
light, for which all Cartesian components of the electric field are significant. The polarization …
Polarimetric characterization of light and media: physical quantities involved in polarimetric phenomena
An objective analysis is carried out of the matricial models representing the polarimetric
properties of light and material media leading to the identification and definition of their …
properties of light and material media leading to the identification and definition of their …
Entanglement and classical polarization states
Entanglement and classical polarization states clickable element to expand a topic LOGIN OR
CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website uses cookies to deliver some of our …
CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website uses cookies to deliver some of our …
Invariant indices of polarimetric purity: generalized indices of purity for n× n covariance matrices
A proper set of indices characterizing the polarimetric purity of light and material media is
defined from the eigenvalues of the corresponding coherency matrix. A simple and …
defined from the eigenvalues of the corresponding coherency matrix. A simple and …
Jones and Stokes parameters for polarization in three dimensions
For partially polarized three-dimensional electromagnetic fields, the polarization state is
usually expressed in terms of nine generalized Stokes parameters, the coefficients of the …
usually expressed in terms of nine generalized Stokes parameters, the coefficients of the …
Structure of polarimetric purity of three-dimensional polarization states
It has recently been demonstrated that a general three-dimensional (3D) polarization state
cannot be considered an incoherent superposition of (1) a pure state,(2) a two-dimensional …
cannot be considered an incoherent superposition of (1) a pure state,(2) a two-dimensional …
Interpretation of the coherency matrix for three-dimensional polarization states
From an appropriate parameterization of the three-dimensional (3D) coherency matrix R that
characterizes the second-order, classical states of polarization, the coherency matrices are …
characterizes the second-order, classical states of polarization, the coherency matrices are …
Optical coherence and electromagnetic surface waves
The subject of this review lies at the cross-roads of optical coherence theory and surface
wave physics. We first recall how electromagnetic surface waves affect the spectrum …
wave physics. We first recall how electromagnetic surface waves affect the spectrum …