[HTML][HTML] Geological characteristics and co-exploration and co-production methods of Upper Permian Longtan coal measure gas in Yangmeishu Syncline, Western …

C Bi, J Zhang, Y Shan, Z Hu, F Wang, H Chi, Y Tang… - China Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
Coal measure gas (also known as coal-bearing unconventional gas) is the key field and
development direction of unconventional natural gas in recent years. The exploration and …

Practice and understanding of multi-layer drainage of CBM wells in Liupanshui area

LIU Jiang, S Shuxun, Z **aozhi… - Coal Geology & …, 2020 - cge.researchcommons.org
To improve the effect of drainage and extraction of coalbed methane wells, it is necessary to
divide the drainage and production stages reasonably and formulate corresponding control …


刘江, 桑树勋, 周效志, 毕彩琴, 金军, 单衍胜 - 煤田地质与勘探, 2020 - mtdzykt.com
为了提高煤层气井合层排采效果, 需要合理划分排采阶段并制定与之对应的管控措施.
基于贵州六盘水地区以往煤层气勘查与试采工作, 分析该区二叠系龙潭组煤层气地质条件和煤储 …


田博凡, 康永尚, 刘娜, 孙良忠, 顾娇杨, 孙晗森 - 煤炭学报, 2018 - mtxb.com.cn
基于滇东-黔西地区40 余口(排采井12 口) 煤层气井资料, 通过单井排采动态典型指标提取和地质
, 工程因素综合分析, 并结合数值模拟, 探讨了恩洪, 老厂, 土城区块煤层气井排采动态影响因素 …

Reservoir characteristics and recoverability of CBM resource in Duge coalfield of western Guizhou

H CHI, C BI, Y SHAN, Z HU, J ZHANG… - Journal of China Coal …, 2018 - mtxb.com.cn
To evaluate the CBM recoverable potential of Duge coalfield in western Guizhou province
and promote the development of CBM in multiple thin coal seams, the formation condition of …


迟焕鹏, 毕彩芹, 胡志方, 张家**… - Journal of Liaoning …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
(**地质调查局油气资源调查中心, 北京100083) 摘要: 为探索黔西地区煤层气有利层段优选及
分层压裂合层排采工艺, 促进煤层气勘探开发工作, 依据煤层气地质, 工程资料, 通过杨煤参1 …


迟焕鹏, 毕彩芹, 单衍胜, 胡志方, 张家**, 王福国 - 煤炭学报, 2018 - mtxb.com.cn
为预测评价黔西都格井田煤层气资源的可采潜力, 推进黔西地区薄至中厚煤层群发育条件下的
煤层气勘探开发工作, 基于在该井田内实施的煤层气井所获得的地质资料, 分析了可采煤层和顶 …


毕彩芹, 迟焕鹏, 单衍胜, 王福国, 徐银波, 张家**… - 煤炭科学技术, 2017 - mtkxjs.com.cn
为了系统评价六盘水煤田水城矿区煤层气资源富集与开发条件, 探索与薄-
中厚煤层群发育条件相匹配的煤储层改造与合层排采工艺, 基于该矿区内施工的3 …