Investigating static analysis errors in student Java programs
SH Edwards, N Kandru, MBM Rajagopal - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Research on students learning to program has produced studies on both compile-time
errors (syntax errors) and run-time errors (exceptions). Both of these types of errors are …
errors (syntax errors) and run-time errors (exceptions). Both of these types of errors are …
Emotions and programming learning: systematic map**
M Coto, S Mora, B Grass… - Computer Science …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Background and context Emotions are ubiquitous in academic settings and affect learning
strategies, motivation to persevere, and academic outcomes, however they have not figured …
strategies, motivation to persevere, and academic outcomes, however they have not figured …
Aggregate compilation behavior: Findings and implications from 27,698 users
The error quotient (EQ) was first reported in 2006 as a behavioral measure of novice
programmers. The EQ scores how well students deal with correcting syntax errors (or not) in …
programmers. The EQ scores how well students deal with correcting syntax errors (or not) in …
[PDF][PDF] Fine-grained versus coarse-grained data for estimating time-on-task in learning programming
The time that students spend on assignments, ie time-ontask, has been used frequently in
prior research to understand student affect, study habits, and course performance, among …
prior research to understand student affect, study habits, and course performance, among …
Examination of undergraduate and associate degree students' computer programming attitude and self-efficacy according to thinking style, gender and experience
MS Gunbatar - Contemporary Educational Technology, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
This study aimed to determine undergraduate and associate degree students' computer
programming attitude and self-efficacy levels, and compare them according to thinking style …
programming attitude and self-efficacy levels, and compare them according to thinking style …
[PDF][PDF] Using static analysis tools for analyzing student behavior in an introductory programming course
I Albluwi, J Salter - Jordanian Journal of Computers and …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Analyzing student coding data can help researchers understand how novice programmers
learn and inform practitioners on how to best teach them. This work explores how using …
learn and inform practitioners on how to best teach them. This work explores how using …
Types of errors in block programming: Driven by learner, learning environment
A Ben-Yaacov, A Hershkovitz - Journal of Educational …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Block programming has been suggested as a way of engaging young learners with the
foundations of programming and computational thinking in a syntax-free manner. Indeed …
foundations of programming and computational thinking in a syntax-free manner. Indeed …
Critiquing antipatterns in novice code
LC Ureel II - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Students in introductory computer science courses, are learning to program. Indeed, most
students perceive that learning to code is the central topic explored in the courses. Students …
students perceive that learning to code is the central topic explored in the courses. Students …
Computing-specific pedagogies and theoretical models: common uses and relationships
Computing education widely applies general learning theories and pedagogical practices.
However, computing also includes specific disciplinary knowledge and skills, eg …
However, computing also includes specific disciplinary knowledge and skills, eg …
Applying validated pedagogy to MOOCs: An introductory programming course with media computation
Significant advances have been made in the learning and teaching of Introductory
Programming, including the integration of active and contextualised learning pedagogy …
Programming, including the integration of active and contextualised learning pedagogy …