Ecological variables for develo** a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy
The deep sea (> 200 m depth) encompasses> 95% of the world's ocean volume and
represents the largest and least explored biome on Earth (< 0.0001% of ocean surface), yet …
represents the largest and least explored biome on Earth (< 0.0001% of ocean surface), yet …
Hydrothermal energy transfer and organic carbon production at the deep seafloor
In just four decades, hundreds of hydrothermal vent fields have been discovered, widely
distributed along tectonic plate boundaries on the ocean floor. Vent invertebrate biomass …
distributed along tectonic plate boundaries on the ocean floor. Vent invertebrate biomass …
A worm's world: Ecological flexibility pays off for free-living nematodes in sediments and soils
Free-living nematodes, an ancient animal phylum of unsegmented microscopic
roundworms, have successfully adapted to nearly every ecosystem on Earth: from marine …
roundworms, have successfully adapted to nearly every ecosystem on Earth: from marine …
High abundance of hydrocarbon-degrading Alcanivorax in plumes of hydrothermally active volcanoes in the South Pacific Ocean
Species within the genus Alcanivorax are well known hydrocarbon-degraders that
propagate quickly in oil spills and natural oil seepage. They are also inhabitants of the deep …
propagate quickly in oil spills and natural oil seepage. They are also inhabitants of the deep …
Animal life in the shallow subseafloor crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents
It was once believed that only microbes and viruses inhabited the subseafloor crust beneath
hydrothermal vents. Yet, on the seafloor, animals like the giant tubeworm Riftia pachyptila …
hydrothermal vents. Yet, on the seafloor, animals like the giant tubeworm Riftia pachyptila …
[HTML][HTML] Automated workflow for incorporation and evaluation of data uncertainty in ecological networks with autoLIMR
Ecosystems are often modelled as food webs or ecological networks, which map energy
flows between species or functional groups. While there are multiple sources of uncertainty …
flows between species or functional groups. While there are multiple sources of uncertainty …
Towards ecosystem modeling in the deep sea: A review of past efforts and primer for the future
MS Woodstock, Y Zhang - Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic …, 2022 - Elsevier
Ecosystem modeling is a popular technique to incorporate the direct and indirect
interactions of all ecosystem components within a simulation. However, these models are …
interactions of all ecosystem components within a simulation. However, these models are …
Climate change impacts on the biota and on vulnerable habitats of the deep Mediterranean Sea
R Danovaro - Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 2018 - Springer
Deep sea is the largest and likely the most biologically diverse ecosystem of the world, but it
is also the most unknown. The Mediterranean Sea (< 1% of the ocean surface and contains …
is also the most unknown. The Mediterranean Sea (< 1% of the ocean surface and contains …
Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal habitats: A systematic review of knowledge status for environmental management
Highly specialised biota occurring at hydrothermally active vents on the northern Mid-
Atlantic Ridge (nMAR: from south of Iceland to the Equator) have been the subject of …
Atlantic Ridge (nMAR: from south of Iceland to the Equator) have been the subject of …
Globally‐distributed microbial eukaryotes exhibit endemism at deep‐sea hydrothermal vents
Single‐celled microbial eukaryotes inhabit deep‐sea hydrothermal vent environments and
play critical ecological roles in the vent‐associated microbial food web. 18S rRNA amplicon …
play critical ecological roles in the vent‐associated microbial food web. 18S rRNA amplicon …