Optimal allocation of renewable distributed generations using heuristic methods to minimize annual energy losses and voltage deviation index
In this paper, two metaheuristic methods, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization,
are proposed to determine the optimal locations, sizes, and power factors of single and …
are proposed to determine the optimal locations, sizes, and power factors of single and …
Optimal placement of distributed generation in power distribution system and evaluating the losses and voltage using machine learning algorithms
A Jain, SC Gupta - Frontiers in Energy Research, 2024 - frontiersin.org
As the modern power system continues to grow in size, complexity, and uncertainty,
traditional methods may occasionally prove insufficient in addressing the associated …
traditional methods may occasionally prove insufficient in addressing the associated …
[HTML][HTML] Time Series Forecasting for Energy Production in Stand-Alone and Tracking Photovoltaic Systems Based on Historical Measurement Data
M Sumorek, A Idzkowski - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
This article presents a time series analysis for predicting energy production in photovoltaic
(PV) power plant systems, namely fixed and solar-tracking ones, which were located in the …
(PV) power plant systems, namely fixed and solar-tracking ones, which were located in the …
Short Term Load Forecasting Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study in Turkey
In this study, short-term load forecasting of the Gebze region in Turkey was carried out using
Machine Learning-based prediction algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks, Decision …
Machine Learning-based prediction algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks, Decision …
Türkiye'nin ithalat ve ihracatının veri madenciliği yöntemleriyle tahmini
Ekonomik süreçlerin hızla değiştiği günümüz dünyasında dış ticaret her geçen gün daha da
önemli hale gelmekte olup ülkeler ekonomik kalkınma açısından ihracatı önemli bir araç …
önemli hale gelmekte olup ülkeler ekonomik kalkınma açısından ihracatı önemli bir araç …
Machine learning-based optimal distributed generation and electric vehicle load management
CS Gujjarlapudi, D Sarkar, SK Gunturi… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - icevirtuallibrary.com
The load profile of radial distribution networks (RDNs) is significantly impacted when plug-in
electric vehicles (PEVs) are connected to them in large numbers. The disturbances in the …
electric vehicles (PEVs) are connected to them in large numbers. The disturbances in the …
[PDF][PDF] Improving Accuracy in Solar Power Plant Power Generation Prediction: A Hybrid Model Proposal
N Aksoy, VMI Genc - 2024 - tepesjournal.org
Renewable energy sources are increasingly critical in addressing global energy needs
while reducing carbon emissions and energy costs. Accurate forecasting of power …
while reducing carbon emissions and energy costs. Accurate forecasting of power …
Market-Clearing Price Forecasting Using Keras in Turkish Day-Ahead Electricity Market
The market-clearing price determined in the electricity market is of great importance for the
market players trading in electricity. The market-clearing price constitutes the core of the …
market players trading in electricity. The market-clearing price constitutes the core of the …