Discourse analysis: what does it offer housing studies?

A Hastings - Housing, theory and society, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
This article reviews the emerging literature which uses discourse analysis to explore
questions for housing research. It considers the extent to which housing researchers have …

Systematische Metaphernanalyse als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung

R Schmitt - 2017 - Springer
Die hier vorzustellende Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung geht im Wesentlichen von
einer Annahme aus: Menschen verstehen Unvertrautes dadurch, dass sie die Muster …

[PDF][PDF] Tampering with the evidence: a critical appraisal of evidence-based policy-making

G Marston, R Watts - The drawing board: An Australian review of …, 2003 - researchgate.net
Recent enthusiasm for evidence-based policy-making in Australia has many sources. So-
called 'managerialist'reforms to public administration have been significant, as has the …

Discourse Studies and Urban Research: Methodological Challenges, Achievements, and Future Prospects

MR Shirazi - Urban Science, 2023 - mdpi.com
This paper offers a critical appraisal of the methodological capacity of Discourse Studies
(DS) in conducting urban research. Based on an extensive literature search, 125 …

The housing crisis as an ideological artefact: Analysing how political discourse defines, diagnoses, and responds

I White, G Nandedkar - Housing Studies, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
It is a truism that politicians from countries around the world claim to be in the midst of a
'housing crisis'. But how do they define it, who is affected, and what is the cause? This paper …

Problems withBridging the Gap: the reversal of structure and agency in addressing social exclusion

H Colley, P Hodkinson - Critical social policy, 2001 - journals.sagepub.com
The Social Exclusion Unit's Report Bridging the Gap has had a major influence on the British
government's policy towards socially excluded young people. This article argues, however …

Critical discourse analysis and policy-orientated housing research

G Marston - Housing, Theory and Society, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Positivism continues to exert a powerful influence on housing research. To a limited extent,
this began to change in the mid to late 1990s with a number of researchers in Europe and …

'Housing risk'and the neoliberal discourse of responsibilisation in Victoria

D Stonehouse, G Threlkeld, J Farmer - Critical Social Policy, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
The article examines the representation of housing risk in contemporary Australian policy
discourse through a critical analysis of two policy texts from the recent Victorian Coalition …

Western perceptions of Hong Kong ten years on: A corpus-driven critical discourse study

W Cheng, PWY Lam - Applied Linguistics, 2013 - academic.oup.com
This article studies the Western perceptions of and relations with Hong Kong a decade after
the reversion of the sovereignty from Britain to China in 1997. Previous studies have …

How neoliberalism and ecological modernization shaped environmental policy in Australia

B Coffey, G Marston - Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
'Sustainability'provides the dominant frame within which environmental policy debate
occurs, notwithstanding its divergent meanings. However, how different discourses combine …