[HTML][HTML] The past, present and future of photonic glasses: A review in homage to the United Nations International Year of glass 2022
Since the invention and further development of lasers in the 1960s, photonics has grown
into a field that permeates virtually every aspect of modern life. As photonics deals with the …
into a field that permeates virtually every aspect of modern life. As photonics deals with the …
Recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries in view of lithium recovery: A critical review
Due to the rapid expanding of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), hybrid electric
vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), the projectfed demand for lithium-ion batteries …
vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), the projectfed demand for lithium-ion batteries …
[HTML][HTML] Updated definition of glass-ceramics
Glass-ceramics are noted for their unusual combination of properties and manifold
commercialized products for consumer and specialized markets. Evolution of novel glass …
commercialized products for consumer and specialized markets. Evolution of novel glass …
[PDF][PDF] Bright future for glass-ceramics
ED Zanotto - American Ceramics Society Bulletin, 2010 - researchgate.net
Patents and papers An idea of the scientific and commercial importance of glass-ceramics
comes from a search on Free-patents Online, which comprises granted patents or …
comes from a search on Free-patents Online, which comprises granted patents or …
2D Porous TiO2 Single‐Crystalline Nanostructure Demonstrating High Photo‐Electrochemical Water Splitting Performance
Porous single crystals are promising candidates for solar fuel production owing to their long
range charge diffusion length, structural coherence, and sufficient reactive sites. Here, a …
range charge diffusion length, structural coherence, and sufficient reactive sites. Here, a …
Homogeneous crystal nucleation in silicate glasses: A 40 years perspective
VM Fokin, ED Zanotto, NS Yuritsyn… - Journal of Non …, 2006 - Elsevier
We review a plethora of relevant experimental results on internal homogeneous crystal
nucleation in silicate glasses obtained in the last four decades, and their analyses in the …
nucleation in silicate glasses obtained in the last four decades, and their analyses in the …
Examining the role of nucleating agents within glass-ceramic systems
Nucleation is one of the primary contributions to the microstructure of glass-ceramics.
However, the nucleation process within glass-ceramics is not understood across all glass …
However, the nucleation process within glass-ceramics is not understood across all glass …
The complex dynamics of earthquake fault systems: New approaches to forecasting and nowcasting of earthquakes
Charles Richter's observation that'only fools and charlatans predict earthquakes,'reflects the
fact that despite more than 100 years of effort, seismologists remain unable to do so with …
fact that despite more than 100 years of effort, seismologists remain unable to do so with …
Inertization and reuse of waste materials by vitrification and fabrication of glass-based products
Vitrification is widely accepted as the most safe process for treating hazardous wastes and
converting them into leach-resistant materials. In this paper a review of the current and …
converting them into leach-resistant materials. In this paper a review of the current and …
Dynamics of magma ascent in the volcanic conduit
In the broadest sense, volcanic eruptions are either effusive or explosive. During explosive
eruptions magma fragments and eruption intensity is ultimately related to the fragmentation …
eruptions magma fragments and eruption intensity is ultimately related to the fragmentation …