Contaminant intrusion in water distribution networks: review and proposal of an integrated model for decision making
N Islam, A Farahat, MAM Al-Zahrani… - Environmental …, 2015 - cdnsciencepub.com
Contaminant intrusion in a distribution network (DN) refers to the entry of harmful chemicals
and pathogens in the presence of three conditions:(i) the availability of a contaminant source …
and pathogens in the presence of three conditions:(i) the availability of a contaminant source …
Data mining to identify contaminant event locations in water distribution systems
To respond to growing concerns related to potential contamination ingress via backflow
and/or terrorist threats to drinking water, a data mining approach is developed. Use of this …
and/or terrorist threats to drinking water, a data mining approach is developed. Use of this …
Logistic regression analysis to estimate contaminant sources in water distribution systems
L Liu, A Sankarasubramanian… - Journal of …, 2011 - iwaponline.com
Accidental or intentional contamination in a water distribution system (WDS) has recently
attracted attention due to the potential hazard to public health and the complexity of the …
attracted attention due to the potential hazard to public health and the complexity of the …
Consequence management of chemical intrusion in water distribution networks under inexact scenarios
A Afshar, E Najafi - Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2014 - iwaponline.com
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Response Protocol Toolbox provides a list
of recommendations on actions that may be taken to minimize the potential threats to public …
of recommendations on actions that may be taken to minimize the potential threats to public …
Water contamination impact evaluation and source-area isolation using decision trees
DG Eliades, MM Polycarpou - Journal of Water Resources Planning …, 2012 - ascelibrary.org
The security of drinking water distribution operation is an important issue that has received
increasing interest within the last few years. The US EPA has issued guidelines for water …
increasing interest within the last few years. The US EPA has issued guidelines for water …
Identifying contaminant sources for water distribution systems using a hybrid method
L Liu, EM Zechman, G Mahinthakumar… - Civil Engineering and …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The rapid discovery of the contaminant source in a water distribution system (WDS) is vital
for generating an efficient control strategy during a contamination event. An inverse problem …
for generating an efficient control strategy during a contamination event. An inverse problem …
Contamination source detection in water distribution networks using belief propagation
We present a Bayesian approach for the Contamination Source Detection problem in water
distribution networks. Assuming that contamination is a rare event (in space and time), we try …
distribution networks. Assuming that contamination is a rare event (in space and time), we try …
Coupling of logistic regression analysis and local search methods for characterization of water distribution system contaminant source
L Liu, EM Zechman, G Mahinthakumar… - … Applications of Artificial …, 2012 - Elsevier
Accidental or intentional drinking water contamination has long been and remains a major
threat to water security throughout the world. An inverse problem can be constructed, given …
threat to water security throughout the world. An inverse problem can be constructed, given …
Consequences management of chemical intrusions in urban water distribution networks using the ant colony optimization algorithm
E Najafi, A Afshar - Journal of Water and Wastewater; Ab va Fazilab (in …, 2015 - wwjournal.ir
Deliberate chemical contaminant injection is one of the most important dangers which
threatens urban water distribution networks. Decisions made following the detection of such …
threatens urban water distribution networks. Decisions made following the detection of such …
Multi-stage response to contaminant ingress into water distribution systems and probability quantification
A multi-stage response procedure for identifying possible ingress nodes (PINs) and
quantifying the likelihood that a PIN in a given water distribution system is the actual point of …
quantifying the likelihood that a PIN in a given water distribution system is the actual point of …