Hierarchically structured bioinspired nanocomposites
Next-generation structural materials are expected to be lightweight, high-strength and tough
composites with embedded functionalities to sense, adapt, self-repair, morph and restore …
composites with embedded functionalities to sense, adapt, self-repair, morph and restore …
Chemically modified biopolymers for the formation of biomedical hydrogels
Biopolymers are natural polymers sourced from plants and animals, which include a variety
of polysaccharides and polypeptides. The inclusion of biopolymers into biomedical …
of polysaccharides and polypeptides. The inclusion of biopolymers into biomedical …
BioinspiredLLM: Conversational large language model for the mechanics of biological and bio‐inspired materials
The study of biological materials and bio‐inspired materials science is well established;
however, surprisingly little knowledge is systematically translated to engineering solutions …
however, surprisingly little knowledge is systematically translated to engineering solutions …
Dynamic behaviors of bio-inspired structures: Design, mechanisms, and models
Following nature's design principles, biological entities have evolved to be highly efficient
and multifunctional to maximize all the available materials and structures and to survive in …
and multifunctional to maximize all the available materials and structures and to survive in …
Deconstruction and reassembly of renewable polymers and biocolloids into next generation structured materials
This review considers the most recent developments in supramolecular and supraparticle
structures obtained from natural, renewable biopolymers as well as their disassembly and …
structures obtained from natural, renewable biopolymers as well as their disassembly and …
Multiscale toughening mechanisms in biological materials and bioinspired designs
Biological materials found in Nature such as nacre and bone are well recognized as light‐
weight, strong, and tough structural materials. The remarkable toughness and damage …
weight, strong, and tough structural materials. The remarkable toughness and damage …
[HTML][HTML] Keratin-Based materials for biomedical applications
Keratin constitutes the major component of the feather, hair, hooves, horns, and wool
represents a group of biological material having high cysteine content (7–13%) as …
represents a group of biological material having high cysteine content (7–13%) as …
[HTML][HTML] Natural fibers composites: origin, importance, consumption pattern, and challenges
This comprehensive review explores the multifaceted world of natural fiber applications
within the domain of composite materials. Natural fibers are meticulously examined in detail …
within the domain of composite materials. Natural fibers are meticulously examined in detail …
PGM-free biomass-derived electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction in energy conversion devices: promising materials
Biomass is a low-cost, abundant and renewable resource that can be used to manufacture
porous carbon-based materials for a variety of applications. Different mesoporous carbon …
porous carbon-based materials for a variety of applications. Different mesoporous carbon …
Mechano-responsive hydrogen-bonding array of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer captures both strength and self-healing
Self-repairable materials strive to emulate curable and resilient biological tissue; however,
their performance is currently insufficient for commercialization purposes because mending …
their performance is currently insufficient for commercialization purposes because mending …