Estimation of near-surface shear-wave velocities and quality factors using multichannel analysis of surface-wave methods

J **a - Journal of applied geophysics, 2014 - Elsevier
This overview article gives a picture of multichannel analysis of high-frequency surface
(Rayleigh and Love) waves developed mainly by research scientists at the Kansas …

High-resolution characterization of near-surface structures by surface-wave inversions: from dispersion curve to full waveform

Y Pan, L Gao, T Bohlen - Surveys in Geophysics, 2019 - Springer
Surface waves are widely used in near-surface geophysics and provide a noninvasive way
to determine near-surface structures. By extracting and inverting dispersion curves to obtain …

A new passive seismic method based on seismic interferometry and multichannel analysis of surface waves

F Cheng, J **a, Y Xu, Z Xu, Y Pan - Journal of applied geophysics, 2015 - Elsevier
We proposed a new passive seismic method (PSM) based on seismic interferometry and
multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) to meet the demand for increasing …

Near-surface Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion algorithms: a comprehensive comparison

XH Yang, Y Zhou, P Han, X Feng, X Chen - Surveys in Geophysics, 2024 - Springer
Rayleigh wave exploration is a powerful method for estimating near-surface shear-wave (S-
wave) velocities, providing valuable insights into the stiffness properties of subsurface …

Low-frequency ambient distributed acoustic sensing (DAS): Case study from Perth, Australia

J Shragge, J Yang, N Issa, M Roelens… - Geophysical Journal …, 2021 -
Ambient wavefield data acquired on existing (so-called 'dark fibre') optical fibre networks
using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) interrogators allow users to conduct a wide range …

Dispersion energy analysis of Rayleigh and Love waves in the presence of low-velocity layers in near-surface seismic surveys

B Mi, J **a, C Shen, L Wang - Surveys in Geophysics, 2018 - Springer
High-frequency surface-wave analysis methods have been effectively and widely used to
determine near-surface shear (S) wave velocity. To image the dispersion energy and identify …

Surface wave exploration technology for the tunnel overlying strata with vehicle vibration source

Y Yan, C Sun, T Lin, J Wang, X Huang, Q Ge… - … and Underground Space …, 2023 - Elsevier
Subway tunnels are often built under the arterial roads in cities and the safety of overlying
strata is important. Due to the limitation of urban space, many geophysical exploration …

A simple and fast method to calculate dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves due to models with a low-velocity half-space

K Zhang, K Wang, X Wang - Computers & Geosciences, 2024 - Elsevier
For layered models with a low-velocity half-space, Rayleigh waves can exhibit inversely
dispersive patterns and thus are advantageous for providing useful information on the …

An inversion method for evaluating ballastless track degradation based on multi-channel analysis of surface wave

M Hu, Y Xu, Z Xue, S Wang - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023 - Elsevier
Due to the heterogeneous properties of constituent materials, traditional Multi-channel
analysis of surface wave (MASW) method is unsuitable for evaluating ballastless track as …

Love-wave waveform inversion in time domain for shallow shear-wave velocity

Y Pan, J **a, Y Xu, L Gao, Z Xu - Geophysics, 2016 -
High-frequency surface-wave techniques are widely used to estimate S-wave velocity of
near-surface materials. Surface-wave methods based on inversions of dispersion curves are …