The effects of safety behaviors during exposure therapy for anxiety: Critical analysis from an inhibitory learning perspective
In the context of clinical anxiety, safety behaviors are actions performed to prevent, escape,
or minimize feared catastrophes and/or associated distress. Research consistently …
or minimize feared catastrophes and/or associated distress. Research consistently …
A meta-analysis of perceptions of defeat and entrapment in depression, anxiety problems, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicidality
Background There is a burgeoning literature examining perceptions of being defeated or
trapped in different psychiatric disorders. The disorders most frequently examined to date …
trapped in different psychiatric disorders. The disorders most frequently examined to date …
DeepThInk: Designing and probing human-AI co-creation in digital art therapy
Abstract Art therapy has been an essential form of psychotherapy to facilitate psychological
well-being, which has been promoted and transformed by recent technological advances …
well-being, which has been promoted and transformed by recent technological advances …
Obsessive-compulsive disorder: diagnosis, clinical features, nosology, and epidemiology
M Cervin - Psychiatric Clinics, 2023 -
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by
preoccupations with thoughts, objects, sensations, or situations that most individuals …
preoccupations with thoughts, objects, sensations, or situations that most individuals …
Worldwide prevalence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis
A Pozza, F Ragucci, NL Angelo, D Pugi… - Journal of Psychiatric …, 2024 - Elsevier
During the COVID-19 pandemic governments worldwide implemented contagion-containing
measures (ie, physical distancing, hand sanitizing, mask wearing and quarantine). The …
measures (ie, physical distancing, hand sanitizing, mask wearing and quarantine). The …
Therapeutic process during exposure: Habituation model
The current paper outlines the habituation model of an exposure process, which is a
behavioral model emphasizing use of individually tailored functional analysis during …
behavioral model emphasizing use of individually tailored functional analysis during …
Dimensions of control and their relation to disordered eating behaviours and obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Background Issues of personal control have been proposed to play a central role in the
aetiology and maintenance of eating disorders. Empirical evidence supporting this …
aetiology and maintenance of eating disorders. Empirical evidence supporting this …
Is disgust more resistant to extinction than fear? A meta-analytic review of laboratory paradigms
Disgust can be acquired via evaluative conditioning; a process by which a neutral stimulus
(conditioned stimulus; CS) comes to be evaluated as disgusting due to its pairing with an …
(conditioned stimulus; CS) comes to be evaluated as disgusting due to its pairing with an …
Trait and state impulsivity in males with tendency towards Internet-pornography-use disorder
Introduction Impulsivity has been identified to be involved in the development and
maintenance of specific Internet-use disorders (IUD). It can be differentiated between …
maintenance of specific Internet-use disorders (IUD). It can be differentiated between …
Fear conditioning and extinction in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a systematic review
Laboratory experiments using fear conditioning and extinction protocols help lay the
groundwork for designing, testing, and optimizing innovative treatments for anxiety-related …
groundwork for designing, testing, and optimizing innovative treatments for anxiety-related …