Demonstration of dynamical control of three-level open systems with a superconducting qutrit
RH Zheng, W Ning, ZB Yang, Y ** of Poincaré beams by polariton oscillations
We propose theoretically and demonstrate experimentally the generation of light pulses
whose polarization varies temporally to cover selected areas of the Poincaré sphere with …
whose polarization varies temporally to cover selected areas of the Poincaré sphere with …
Excitation with quantum light. II. Exciting a two-level system
We study the excitation of a two-level system (2LS) by quantum light, thereby bringing our
previous studies [see Paper I of this series, Phys. Rev. A 94, 063825 (2016) …
previous studies [see Paper I of this series, Phys. Rev. A 94, 063825 (2016) …
Pulse reverse engineering for controlling two-level quantum systems
In this paper, based on the idea of reverse engineering, we propose a scheme to find
analytical expressions of a laser pulse that allows for controlling the evolution of two-level …
analytical expressions of a laser pulse that allows for controlling the evolution of two-level …
Pulse engineering for population control under dephasing and dissipation
We apply reverse engineering to find electromagnetic pulses that allow for the control of
populations in quantum systems under dephasing and thermal noises. In particular, we …
populations in quantum systems under dephasing and thermal noises. In particular, we …
Quantum control with smoothly varying pulses: general theory and application to charge migration
Using direct search algorithms for solving the quantum optimization problem, we
demonstrate on model systems that with specifically tailored Gaussian-form laser pulses one …
demonstrate on model systems that with specifically tailored Gaussian-form laser pulses one …
Strong-field control by reverse engineering
Based on the idea of reverse engineering, we design an optimal laser pulse to control strong-
field multiphoton atomic transitions. Starting from the time-dependent Schrödinger equation …
field multiphoton atomic transitions. Starting from the time-dependent Schrödinger equation …