Demonstration of dynamical control of three-level open systems with a superconducting qutrit

RH Zheng, W Ning, ZB Yang, Y ** of Poincaré beams by polariton oscillations
D Colas, L Dominici, S Donati, AA Pervishko… - Light: Science & …, 2015 -
We propose theoretically and demonstrate experimentally the generation of light pulses
whose polarization varies temporally to cover selected areas of the Poincaré sphere with …

Excitation with quantum light. II. Exciting a two-level system

JCL Carreño, C Sánchez Muñoz, E Del Valle… - Physical Review A, 2016 - APS
We study the excitation of a two-level system (2LS) by quantum light, thereby bringing our
previous studies [see Paper I of this series, Phys. Rev. A 94, 063825 (2016) …

Pulse reverse engineering for controlling two-level quantum systems

D Ran, WJ Shan, ZC Shi, ZB Yang, J Song, Y **a - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
In this paper, based on the idea of reverse engineering, we propose a scheme to find
analytical expressions of a laser pulse that allows for controlling the evolution of two-level …

Pulse engineering for population control under dephasing and dissipation

I Medina, FL Semião - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
We apply reverse engineering to find electromagnetic pulses that allow for the control of
populations in quantum systems under dephasing and thermal noises. In particular, we …

Quantum control with smoothly varying pulses: general theory and application to charge migration

NV Golubev, V Despré, AI Kuleff - Journal of Modern Optics, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Using direct search algorithms for solving the quantum optimization problem, we
demonstrate on model systems that with specifically tailored Gaussian-form laser pulses one …

Strong-field control by reverse engineering

A Tóth, A Csehi - Physical Review A, 2021 - APS
Based on the idea of reverse engineering, we design an optimal laser pulse to control strong-
field multiphoton atomic transitions. Starting from the time-dependent Schrödinger equation …