Investigation of anti-inflammatory, antibiofilm, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of cyclamen hederifolium (primulaceae)

C Özay, A Temel, S Türel, MI Akgul - Farmacia, 2023 -
Cyclamen L. is a tuberous geophyte, and some species of this genus have been used for
their biological activities in folk medicine. However, studies on the tuber of Cyclamen …

Antibacterial activity of Rosa damascene petals mill extracts

R Kaddar, N Hasan, D Al-Diab - Research Journal of Pharmacy …, 2023 -
Infectious diseases are one of the major common problems facing the world.
Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli are two causes of infectious diseases and are …

[HTML][HTML] Ca' Granda, Hortus simplicium: Restoring an Ancient Medicinal Garden of XV–XIX Century in Milan (Italy)

M Bottoni, F Milani, PM Galimberti, L Vignati… - Molecules, 2021 -
This work is based on the study of 150 majolica vases dated back to the mid XVII century
that once preserved medicinal remedies prepared in the ancient Pharmacy annexed to the …

Chemical and pharmacological characterization of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Cyclamen hederifolium Ait.(Primulaceae) tuber

K Kojičić, A Arsenijević, M Marković… - Vojnosanitetski …, 2021 -
Background/Aim. Cyclamen hederifolium (C. hederifolium) Ait. belongs to the family
Primulaceae, which includes 23 species of cyclamen, naturally distributed in the Central and …

Formulation and anti-bacterial activity test for liquid soap Betel Nut Extract (Areca catechu L.) against Staphylococcus aureus

SN Stiani, L Susanti… - Research Journal of …, 2022 -
Liquid soap is an important cosmetic product for the community because it is used in
everyday life. Liquid soap is made through a saponification reaction from oil or fat which is …

Antimicrobial property of cell wall lysed Chlorella, an edible alga

A Sarkar, N Akhtar, M Mannan - Research Journal of Pharmacy …, 2021 -
Chlorella vulgaris is a green microalga, extensively used as a food supplement. It is a rich
source of carbohydrates, proteins, antioxidants, beta carotene, and minerals. Rigid cell wall …

Exploring the Hidden Biotechnological Treasure of Bacterial Symbionts in Xestospongia sp. from Derawan Island: A Study on Antimicrobial and Enzyme-Producing …

S Gaffar, A Edward - Research Journal of Pharmacy and …, 2024 -
In the face of escalating drug resistance amongst microorganisms, the imperative to discover
novel sources of antimicrobials is growing. To this end, this investigation delves into the …

Karakterizacija biljnih vrsta predstavnika roda Cyclamen sa područja Srbije-hemijska i farmakološka analiza

K Obradović - Универзитет у Крагујевцу, 2023 -
Uvod: Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je hemijska i farmakološka karakterizacija vodenih,
etanolnih i acetonskih ekstrakata lukovica Cyclamen hederifolium i Cyclamen purpurascens …


K Kojičić, A Arsenijević, M Marković, VS Jovanović… -
Abstract Background/Aim. Cyclamen hederifolium Ait. belongs to the family Primulaceae,
which comprehends 23 species of cyclamen, naturally distributed in the Central and …